Tuesday, December 06, 2005

True Confessions or I've been tagged.....

One of the best things about the Weblog Awards has been "meeting" other bloggers. Yesterday The Anchoress (She is a finalist in the best Conservative Blog category) and I had a few emails going back and forth. Today I discover I've been tagged. I don't usually do the whole meme thing, except for one time on Me4's blog but this one was interesting so? Here goes.

I confess...Sometimes I am too sentimental/emotional. The other night a Kodak commercial made me cry.

I confess...I get to into research/reading at times, I can lose track of time and find I've spent most of the night reading or working on something.

I confess...I'm not very good at asking for what I need for me, I spend too much time worrying about what I can do for other people; especially my family.

I confess...While we are on the topic of "Confession", I really hate the open confessional system at my Church and wish they would go back to the Confessional booths of old. It doesn't feel like Confession anymore it feels like "chat time".

I confess...One of my biggest personal disappointments has been that my book hasn't sold as much as I would have liked it to, but I haven't really promoted it either. Maybe because at least this way I can tell myself it's because I haven't promoted it rather than discovering it might not be as good as I think it is.

I confess...I dread Christmas every year since my Dad died. Every year I hope that it will be a better Christmas without greed and the hypocrisy for all of us. Yet when I see the shoppers push to get that bargin or buy a gift just to buy one rather than to but any thought or love into it I wonder why so many of us (including myself) keep up the pretense. Christmas doesn't necessarily have to be about Religion for those who don't believe, but that doesn't mean it has to be about greed.

I confess...While I got started on the topic of Religion...I am so tired of people telling me that my belief in God is a "Fairy Tale" and I fear if I hear about the "Flying Spagetti Monster" one more time I might just scream. They don't have to believe, but to try to demean those who have faith is just as wrong as those who try to force a faith on someone. Basically? I confess I am tired of those on both sides who have no tolerance.

Finally? I confess...I have to stop confessing because I can see how this could turn into a novel proportional confession....

I realize you are supposed to "tag" someone so? Anyone who wants to do this? You are hereby "tagged".


Nunzia Rider said...

The News Writer blushes, having a Flying Spaghetti Monster emblem on her car, but she will not tell you your belief is a fairy tale. When not having some serious fun, however, about the FSM, she does have some pretty serious beliefs herself, mostly involving our puny human inability to comprehend the mysteries of the universe and how we anthropomorphize them in order to understand the un-understandable. Religion, she believes, is a symbolic overlay that can and should change as our understanding shifts over the millennia.

Unknown said...

I still respect the Newswriter even after that shocking discovery :-) (My daughter has a fish with feet emblem on her car). I appreciate the humor aspect of the "Flying Spagetti Monster", just not when that is used in the course of a serious discussion on religion. Which I do know from reading the Newswriter for quite some time now, she would never do. Despite the humor associated with his "noodly appendages" it is often used by some as a way to poke fun at those who believe.

I agree with you that part of the whole concept of religion may very well be to make what we cannot comprehend have an explanation or meaning. I have the utmost respect for those who select to not believe in a God or any level of belief in God. I am perfectly willing to accept there is a chance there may be no God, or not the God my church believes in. It's a part of my faith but is not nor should it ever be forced on anyone.

That is why I feel the most important thing lacking right now on both sides is tolerance. My eternal wish that people would stop feeling as if someone believing differently than they do somehow threatens their whole belief process. Both sides do this way too often. It's why I write on this topic at times, in the hopes that more of us will learn that at times? Agreeing to disagree is better than this constant struggle over who is "right". On some issues like religion? None of us have all of the answers.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I never questioned my faith until I realized how wide-spread the attack on it was, from the secularists.

I didn't need to question it, for I know that I have faith.

My faith is impossible for me to describe; it has so many facets. Yet I see my faith in action every day.

Those who mock my faith, strengthen it.

I have faith in God, but not so much in my church, which has become a corrupt business.

I realize I'm rambling now, so I'll stop.

If I don't, I could be writing for hours.

What was the question?

Unknown said...

paper or plastic?


I almost tagged you...I should have HT.


Cyberseaer said...

Flying Spaghetti Monster? Somebody please bring me up to speed. I didn't get the memo.

Also, why does the news writer speak about herself in the third person? Is it her style or does she have serious low self esteem issues? Again, I missed that memo as well

Unknown said...

Yep, the Newswriter always refers to herself like that. Even on her own blog.

The Flying Spagetti Monster is a mythical creature created initially to make fun of those who believe in God. However he has taken on a marketing aspect of his own.

He has his own wiki page

Now you are caught up on the memo's - lol

Nunzia Rider said...

The News Writer does sometimes refer to herself in first person, but generally does not, the reason being that The News Writer is a persona somewhat like her true identity but more so. In real life, The News Writer is a newswriter and must be very careful about spouting off too many opinions. The News Writer doesn't have that limit.

Her self-esteem, by the way, is gloriously high but balanced by a healthy dose of reality.

The FSM's real purpose is to poke at those who take their own religion a little too seriously -- as in, "I'm right, you're wrong, and you're going to hell for it." Those others, Lisa Renee shouldn't be poking at the real true believers. Durn fools.