Thursday, December 22, 2005

Threats and Lawsuits

It's not ironic enough that two of my favorite local politicians are in different political parties but today they both made the Toledo Blade on different topics.

My favorite Republican David Schulz makes the news concerning the lawsuit filed regarding Bob McCloskey term limits question. The three judge panel has given Mr. McCloskey 30 days to respond...yet as of the printing of the Toledo Blade article Bob has not resigned his District 3 seat. Supposedly you can't hold two seats but since, Gerald Dendinger, clerk of city council, said he does not know what would happen if Mr. McCloskey declines to resign Jan. 3? Makes you wonder what City Law Director Barb Herring will state on this one. District 3 Bob could miss a few meetings so that City wide district Bob could hold on to both seats incase the judges rule against him. Or? It could be a Bobaganza on City Council! Two Bobs for the price of one!

Next, the Toledo Democrat I write about the most, Frank Szollosi makes the front page of today's Toledo Blade because he was threatened by Bill Lichtenwald, president of Teamsters Local 20. No, not with cement shoes or a Jimmy Hoffa type disappearance but the threat of 'Support my guy or else'. (Note to those outside Toledo...this group didn't support or endorse Frank in the past.)

So the whole Council President issue heats up even more. I still stand by my intial belief that neither Mark Sobczak (no experience on Council) or Frank (as even the article implied he'd "stand up to Carty" which is what I fear would happen too often) while the Council President shouldn't be someone that would be a rubber stamp (Sobczak) it should be someone that does not have such a anti-Carty stance. However, if they cannot come together to settle on a third person, I'd rather see it be Frank than Mark.

Most importantly Bill Lichtenwald should be removed from the Carty transition team. This is not how to start out "transitioning". I think it was silly for the Blade to even report that Michael Ashford was "thrown out" or somehow physically prevented joining the meeting between Frank Szollosi and Lichtenwald (Come on Blade you could you be even more obvious?). Yet Toledo doesn't need this. There has been enough of this "A" Team and "B" Team nonsense and frankly? Demanding someone who has never even been on Toledo City Council as the "obvious" choice for Toledo City Council President is not something anyone should support.


Subcomandante Bob said...

Toledo Tales has the inside story of the meeting between Frank and the Don.

Keep up the good work, Lisa. Hold the feet of these dirty SOBs to the fire.

Unknown said...

ummm are they smelly feet? Not even I am brave enough to put the flames to smelly feet.


Unknown said...

Gee Don, since you dropped by how about we have a little chat off blog? I'd love to interview you...


Scott G said...

I am not sure, but I think Don is busy today. Why else would a man wash his feet unless he had plans?

Unknown said...

Or he doesnt want to meet me, he's afraid of me.


Scott G said...

You do ask the tough questions. He may like my interview style more. My favorite question would be what makes you less of an asshole than your opponent is? Maybe that is why MSNBC hasn't called me to cover the DC beat

Unknown said...

He'd probably like you better


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

”Most importantly Bill Lichtenwald should be removed from the Carty transition team. This is not how to start out "transitioning".”


But it does fit in perfectly with Carty’s Ready-Fire, Aim management style…

The “New Carty”, the ”Passionate Carty” is going to mean so much more blogging fun than we could have ever expected from the “Old Carty”, the ”Bad Carty”, the ”EVIL Carty,” guaranteed!

(P.S. I REALLY hate to bring it up, but I told y’all; and we won't be disappointed) ;-)

Re: ”Yet Toledo doesn't need this.”

Yet another Amen!

And, re: ”Demanding someone who has never even been on Toledo City Council as the "obvious" choice for Toledo City Council President is not something anyone should support.”

Let’s do it all together this time; all together now:

Aa--men, Amen, Amennnn!

Exhale now, and don’t hold your breath…