Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Voila...the new template is done

Taking what I liked from the other "rain" template and changing it to make it easier for those of you who don't like light text on dark backgrounds and brightening it a bit to make it not so dreary and making myself happy with numerous variations? Here is the new template for Liberal Common Sense. I have checked it in IE/Netscape and Firefox so it should work well for everyone. Even on the post pages (individual links for each page)

I like it, I learned some new skills as far as more CSS codes and how to keep an image transparent while changing the color.

The Hamsters like it too...They also say Happy Thanksgiving and they have a message for those who don't like Hamsters....


Scott G said...

Awesome. Now I have to go screw mine up some more to try and stay close in the design wars

Unknown said...

lol - I almost gave up it was alot harder than I thought it would be.

If you have something specific in mind I have some sites that list alternate templates I can email you. Some of them are pretty awesome.


Cyberseaer said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all. The change looks good Lisa. As for the Hamsters.......DIE DIE DIE!!!

(Repeat last thre words over and over again, until the objective is fulfilled)

Unknown said...

hehehe - I told you they had something special planned.


Anonymous said...

Very nice, Lisa! I, for one, appreciate the text being darker than the background...I also appreciate the hamsters, very cute! ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Unknown said...

Another thing to be thankful for, Stephanie is not a Hamster Hater (HAHAHA your numbers are dwindling C Soon you will be surrounded by Hamster appreciators...)

I hope everyone enjoys their various planned meals and the time with loved ones. I'm so used to dealing with subsituting things for Erin being vegetarian I forgot that I didn't buy chicken broth only vegetable broth for the stuffing...She was amused...thankfully I realized it while the stores were still open.


Anonymous said...

I went through the vegetarian phase. My mom was less amused by the idea.

historymike said...

The new look is very eye-catching, Lisa. I need to move away from my stock Blogger template (although I have tweaked it a little).

I went through a vegetarian phase in my early twenties that lasted about 6 months ( to be more accurate, I allowed myself fish). I did not notice any change in my physical or mental well-being, and I gradually returned to full carnivore status.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mike, as I told me4, I have some links to some awesome template places outside of blogger. I'll be happy to email them to you if you want to see if anything they have appeals to you at least as a starting point.

I started tweaking my first one, totally messed it up to the point I just gave up and switched to another one then designed the flag one from combining two that I liked with my own background then? This one which was a little more involved once I started changing things. Maybe it's from my old webpaging days but I don't like to keep the same theme for too long without doing something new.

I was a mostly vegetarian from the time I was 16 until I got married and had my first child. We still do a few meatless meals each week but Erin is more vegetarian than I was, once in a while I would eat meat. She's not vegan at this point though she was for a time. She's been a vegetarian for over almost two years now. The vegan aspect was more challenging, I was glad to have her decide that she didn't want to go that far with it.


Valbee said...

I like this new look very much!

When I get around to actually learning how to change the template on my blog, consider yourself the inspiration. :) (And I'll probably be asking you some questions.....)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Thanks Val, and I'll be glad to help however I can. I'm far from an expert but? I'm learning.

Most important thing I learned is to save what I had so when I really mess it up? I can always go back.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Lookin good Lisa,

But I predict you'll still tweak it a little ;-)

Now that you have newly learned skills, you can't help but play, just a little more :-)