Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Mayoral Debate...How it looks from here.....

I watched the debate last night between Carty Finkbeiner and Jack Ford. I looked forward to reading what the Blade said about the debate. The link in the title is to the Toledo Blade article and also has a link to download the debate. Once again alot of accusations were thrown, one in particular stuck with me.

It was a question about Southwyck Mall. I downloaded the video and watched it again. Here is the "Lisa unauthorized transcript" of that section of the debate:

Lee Conklin: (17:34) Mr. Finkbeiner, you said that Mayor Jack Ford had four years to get something done at the failing Southwyck Mall but it was clear long before he became Mayor during your tenure that things were rapidly deteriorating at Southwyck. What did you do at the time to prevent things from going downhill there and if you were elected Mayor would you keep the Dillin plan in place there or do you have a plan of your own to resurrect Southwyck?

Carty: (17:55) Southwyck Mall was going down no question about it and has been. It wasn't deteriorating to the degree it has the last four years but there is no question it was. Point number 1. Point number 2, my last year, 2001 Councilman Ludeman and myself had worked with the owner of the Mall and had a plan which was given to the Ford administration, a copy of which I have in the other room or I would have brought it out here had we been allowed to that called for 4 anchor malls (I'm assuming he means stores), a parking garage, and improved ingress and egress to that Mall. That was extremely exciting at the time it was handed off to the Ford administration nothing has happened. Last question? I have met with Mr. Dillin, I saw his plan, it has alot of exciting prospects, I wished him Godspeed as he gets on a plane in the next few days to travel and see if he can move a little more quickly to solidify that plan.

Jack: (19:05) Mr. Finkbeiner has said give him a year and he'll get it done. He had 8 years and he did nothing. What he did do was sell City land to a corporation to bring in General Growth and as a result that froze other folks looking at investing in Southwyck and he knows that. With respect to working with the owner there?I doubt he has ever talked with Bill Dillard in his life. I have. He wouldn't know Sherman probably if he walked in and kissed him. I have met with Sherman twice. (He is referring to Sherman Dreiseszun).

Granted the Toledo Blade archives are not the most reliable archives, however I became curious so I searched "Southwyck Mall" from 1996 to 2005. Eliminating articles that were related to an event at the mall or letter to the editor, I made an interesting discovery.

You can see the briefs from these articles here:

There are only four articles from 1996 to 2001. There are 13 from 2002 to 2005. It's pretty clear when the Mall really declined and the various plans that failed. It's also worth noting that Ray Kest when he campaigned against Jack Ford in 2001 supported the plan that Carty mentioned that Rob Ludeman and his office had worked on.

We also can discover that:

MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2004 Southwyck Shopping Center hangs like a political albatross around Toledo Mayor Jack Ford's neck. And he knows it. As leader of the financially troubled city, the mayor is charged with pumping economic lifeblood through the city.....

This was well after Carty left office, I realize it's popular for the current office holder to always blame the last one but eventually it has to come around to being their responsibility. In the end, those that strongly support Jack Ford will probably continue to do so, and those who strongly support Carty will also not change their feelings. However it's the rest of the Toledo voters who will decide this election. It's easy to understand why I've seen quite a few people who stated during the primaries that they would never vote for Carty have changed their mind. Should Jack Ford win re-election? One thing is certain. He will eventually have to take responsibility for what has happened during his term, not just learning how to "toot" his own horn for the successes but admit the failures as well. Considering I wrote early on that I did not want to see Carty enter the race again that I wanted someone like Keith Wilkowski that would be a new energy for Toledo? Carty's looking pretty good to me too.


historymike said...

Yes, Southwyck has been in decline for a loooong time.

I used to be a tenant in the former NorthTowne Square, and I am all too familiar with watching a mall slowly die.

Southwyck may be beyond the point of saving as a traditional mall; the costs of making it attractive to upscale tenants may not make financial sense.

Before NorthTowne(later "Lakeside") died they tried giving away the place at $2 - $4 a square foot and still couldn't get takers.

Southwyck has lousy ingress/egress, is situated on a congested stretch of road, and is a long way from US-23.

I don't know what will replace Southwyck (mixed use, condos, offices) but I can't forsee a scenario in which it is revived as a viable mall.

Unknown said...

I used to work in Oldtowne at Southwyck....I always thought that was such a neat concept it's too bad it wasn't promoted right.

I grew up in the South end so I remember life without the mall and then life with the mall. It's so sad to see it now when I remember what it was like.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Well, I’m still not convinced that there is a New, Kinder, & Gentler Carty.

I do think that what we are seeing is a Subdued, Tranquil, & Sedated phase of the Original Carty, or if you prefer, Classic Carty.

So, while everyone else is giving thanks for the New, Kinder, & Gentler Carty, I’ll be keeping a jaundiced on both Carty and the calendar, waiting for The old Carty, The BAD Carty, The EVIL Carty to mark his return.

Especially for these dates:

Tuesday, Nov. 15th, 2005
Thursday, Dec. 15th, 2005
Saturday, Jan. 14th, 2005

In case anyone is wondering, those dates are the dates of the full moon for the given Month.

The first one, one week after the election, may seem to be the most likely, but the third one, two weeks after the coronation, is the one that I’ll be betting on ;-)

Anonymous said...

WOW! Carty Finkbeiner elected as mayor again?? My wife and I moved from the Toledo area in August of 2004. Today, Jan. 11, 2006 I just happened to go to and was shocked to read that Toledoans had re-elected Carty "the crazy-man looney tunes" back as mayor of Toledo. What is wrong with the people of Toledo. This guy was a joke when he was a councilman in the 1970's, a "big loser" when he was mayor of Toledo before Jack Ford, and I hate to say it but an idiot. He came to speak to my raillroad union back in the 1970's when he was a city councilman and he might as well have had the word "dork" engraved in his forehead. All I can remember of him when he was mayor is that he was a "big embarassment to the City of Toledo." If the voters voted him back in as mayor again, it is a sad day for Toledo. Toledo will reap what they sow for electing this buffoon again to Office.