Thursday, October 20, 2005

Toledo Mayoral Endorsement Update

Back on September 23rd I first listed which groups had endorsed each candidate for Mayor.

Here's the new list. New endorsements from the last time are listed in italics.

Mayor Jack Ford:

United Auto Workers
Laborers Local 500
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 50
Ironworkers Local 55
Toledo Federation of Teachers

Carty Finkbeiner:

African-American Parents Association
AFSCME, Council 8
AFSCME Retiree Chapter 1184
NW Ohio Building & Construction Trades
Teamsters, Local 20
Teamsters Ohio D.R.I.V.E.
Toledo Port Council
Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 697
Asbestos Workers, Local 45
Boilermakers, Local 85
Bricklayers, Local 3
Cement Masons & Plasterers, Local 886
Electrical Workers, Local 8
Electrical Workers, Local 245
Elevator Constructors, Local 44
Glaziers, Local 948
Letter Carriers, Branch 100
Longshoremen, Local 1768
Mayoral Candidate Rob Ludeman
NW Ohio Regional Carpenters
Operating Engineers, Local 18
Painters & Allied Trades, Local 7
Roofers, Local 134
Service Employees International, Local 3
Sheet Metal Workers, Local 33
Sprinkler Fitters, Local 669
Toledo Board of REALTORS®
Toledo Firefighters, Local 92
Toledo Police Command Officers
Toledo Police Patrolman's Association
United Steelworkers, Local 87

I'm not sure how much influence endorsements have on an election, these days but?
There they are, if you'd like to see for yourself? Both candidates websites are listed on the sidebar to your right.

While I'm on the topic of campaign websites, if you are interested in the Toledo Board of Education candidates? Make sure to visit "3 for Change" at

I personally think it is very awesome to see Endorsed Democrats running with an Endorsed Republican with the goal of making TPS better. It shows they can work together as a team, something not seen that often.


Scott G said...

I am waiting to give my endorsement

Unknown said...

I don't blame you there, I am too

I know which city council ones I would vote for and school board..


I have been busy looking up greek words though...heheh

historymike said...

The truth always finds its way out, doesn't it Lisa?


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"It shows they can work together as a team..."

With three new members working together, the change of direction of the leadership of the Board will be… refreshing!

And, the Board will no longer be "Stuck on Stupid..."

Change around here, always begins with the school board, which is City Council's incubator, which seems lately to be the County Commissioner’s farm team…

Unknown said...

Yep, Mike, and I did it with some sense of class remaining - lol


I agree HT, the fact that the three of them have done this isn't something I can remember seeing before. Especially with them not all being the same party. I hope they win.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

For Mayor though, I still endorse:

Nona D. Above

The only candidate that I trust among those running.

Rob just sent us a tacky letter, trying to throw his support to Carty, but it was all in caps.

So much for Rob's being Internet literate...

I found the style to be highly offensive to the senses :-(

Unknown said...

Sniff, Rob didn't send me an email, I feel left out. You should post it HT,


I would have rather seen Wilkowski get it, in a way I'm glad I can't vote because it would be hard to decide. I hate the whole having to decide which one is the lessor of two evils.

City Council would be a much easier choice for me.


Aaron said...

The cooperation of "Three for Change" is encouraging. However, these three pulling their support for issue 37 is scary. It seems they withdrew their support because TPS might use some of the funds for the new building projects, and they consider that misleading. From the text of Issue 37:

37 TOLEDO CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Toledo City School
District, for the purpose of GENERAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS at a rate not exceeding 2.5 mills
for each one dollar of valuation,...

I consider new schools to be general permanent improvements, so I have no rub with that. Am I missing something here? If so, could someone please shine some more light on this subject. As it stands now, Fisher, Myers, and Torres do NOT have my support.

Unknown said...


this might be useful:
