Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Toledo Blogging

Some of my long term readers will remember how excited I was a few months ago when I was interviewed for an article about blogging in Toledo.

It was published today and is linked above for those who want to read it.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Let's face it Lisa, your time in the spotlight has come.

Don't forget about the little folks that you'll surely be leaving behind.


Unknown said...

Very funny, like you guys could get rid of me that easily?



Cyberseaer said...

So, we are your entertainment, hmmmm? I don't know if I should be offended or demand money for my service of being an entertainer (though not such a good one at that). LOL

I got board with the srticle, so I just went straight to your part. The other people I don't know, so I just don't care to read about them.

Read your stuff on Watchblog. Good stuff, Lisa. Keep this up and soon you will have a 15 minutes show on public access. GO FOR IT!!

Unknown said...

Not all of it was in the right context, C, but I had fun with it so I can't complain. I'm happy they finally published it, I thought they had lost interest with the story and decided to drop it.

Thanks for the compliments but you are biased.


Unknown said...

Miguel says you are his entertainment too *df*



Unknown said...

Sorry the barmaid had gone to bed, how about a nice Iced tea?


Subcomandante Bob said...

we are not worthy.....

Unknown said...

Yes, you are worthy Bob.


Anonymous said...

I am about to show you a way that you can generate thousands of keyword targeted links back to your web site starting today!