Wednesday, October 05, 2005

We are lucky in so many ways

I realize there are alot of problems in the US and many things we don't agree on. The war, healthcare, hurricane victims and that at times it can seem overwhelming.

However? We have come a long way and many other countries would love to be where we are. Yes, the ever famous life is always greener on the other side of the septic tank.....

I recommend the full Washington Post article linked above, but some excerpts:

For Dadas Alisov, a candidate in Azerbaijan's upcoming parliamentary elections, most voter meetings begin with several tense minutes of pure rage. He listens as old men hammer him with questions about their future and whether they will ever see their homes again.

In one campaign meeting, he told a small crowd of men not to give their identity cards to anyone in the days before the election. Collecting these cards, which are necessary to vote, he explained, is a common technique by local authorities to control the results.

Although the government opened up the registration process, it has also told candidates to post their campaign materials only on officially sanctioned poster boards. With dozens of candidates running in some districts, there's not room for everyone's literature.

"I'm sorry," he began, quietly. "Please don't think that I'm trying to teach you. I am a refugee myself." He went on to tell them that the United States won't come to fix their problems, that Azerbaijan must work to build support for its position in Europe, and that the only way out of their poverty is education.

He promised little and, in the end, he left with pledges of support. But later he said that these are often just a form of politeness among people who are desperate for anyone to listen to them.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Sometimes we forget how good we have it until something like this comes along to shock us back to reality...

Unknown said...

As I read it I had to pause. I realize there are alot of things that could be better in this country, but? There are also alot of people struggling to still reach democracy.

It really makes you think when you see so hard some of them are fighting just to be able to have fair elections. So despite the squabbles and almost hatred that you see here? I'll take this country any day over quite a few of them.

Scott G said...

I never forget how good we have it, but I do always remember that it can always get better. And to be fair, we are still trying to find democracy.

Unknown said...

I wonder if we will ever fully reach it, because it's like the concept of perfection.

It is hard to be optimistic at times, even for me. So reading articles like that make me realize while we haven't reached perfection yet? At least we are further down the path to it.