Monday, October 03, 2005

Supreme Court Justices who were not Judges

Since it's become a discussion item, searched thru records at and to come up with a complete list:

James Wilson
Paterson, William
William Cushing
Washington, Bushrod
Marshall, John, 4th Chief Justice of the United States
Story, Joseph
Henry Baldwin
Roger B. Taney
John McKinley
Benjamin R. Curtis
John A. Campbell
Nathan Clifford
Noah H. Swayne
Salmon P. Chase, 6th Chief Justice
Joseph P. Bradley
Morrison R. Waite, 7th Chief Justice
Lucius Q. C. Lamar
Melville W. Fuller, 8th Chief Justice
George Shiras, Jr.
William H. Moody
Charles E. Hughes, 11th Chief Justice
James C. McReynolds
Louis D. Brandeis,
George Sutherland
Pierce Butler
Harlan Fiske Stone, 12th Chief Justice
Owen J. Roberts
Stanley Reed
Felix Frankfurter
William O. Douglas
James F. Byrnes
Robert H. Jackson
Harold Burton
Tom C. Clark
Earl Warren, 14th Chief Justice
Byron R. White
Arthur J. Goldberg
Abe Fortas
Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Apparently, experience isn't all that it is cracked up to be...

Or, is it?

If Harriet is sucessful, time will tell.

Unknown said...

It does show that this is not something extraordinary that the media needs to focus on. Especially when you see that 8 Chief Justices had no prior experience as judges.

I'm not sure yet about Harriet Miers but I do know the lack of her being a judge shouldn't matter.


Anonymous said...

It's too bad we conservatives have so many other reasons to wish Bush would have appointed someone else.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if she's a loss for conservatives yet Josh, but I do agree there is alot yet to be answered about her. Like I wrote on your blog, I can understand why you might feel that way.
