Monday, October 03, 2005

Good for you Dave Schulz!

It's pretty obvious to quite a few of us what term limits means. I give Dave major credit for going before Toledo City Council to ask they clarify this. Personally I think it should have been addressed before the primaries, however better late than never.

Some interesting quotes from the above linked Toledo Blade article and an interesting Editorial on the same topic:

Editorial from Today's Blade:

McCloskey's end run

The city charter states a councilman may serve no more than three consecutive four-year terms. An amendment excluded a special two-year term created to stagger the elections of dis-trict and at-large members.

If elected, Mr. McCloskey and Ms. Shultz, each will have served 16 years when their terms end.

"I believe the intent of the voters was to limit councilman to 12 consecutive years," Mr. Schulz, an endorsed Republican, wrote in a letter he plans to distribute today to council members.

Councilman Rob Ludeman, who has served as long as Ms. Shultz and Mr. McCloskey, said he opted against making the switch being attempted by Mr. McCloskey. "Three terms is what the voters expected and if it can be clarified so there is not an inconsistency down the road then that is a good thing to do," Mr. Ludeman said.

Council President Louis Escobar said he wanted to put the issue on the ballot in 2004 to close the loopholes but was discouraged because of the number of issues already on the ballot.

He said he thinks the charter intended no more than the three four-year terms Ms. Shultz and Mr. McCloskey have served. "It was very clear what the people intended," Mr. Escobar said.

It's obvious that Toledo voters who made McCloskey the number one vote getter need to decide if they really do want politicians to follow the City Charter and the law or not.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I too wish that the charter ammendment were worded more clearly.

I also the Mayor's term limit had been better stated too.

Let's hope Dave makes it and pushes for both.

I'd like to see:

Mayor; 2 4-year terms TOTAL

Council (all positions); 3 4-year terms TOTAL

Council (any/all positions) and Mayor: 20 years TOTAL

Those would be lifetime totals...

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

While I'm at it:

Marcy Kaptur; We thank you for your 20 years of extinguished service, you may go now.

And, don't let the doorknob...

Unknown said...

I don't have a major problem with Marcy though I do support term limits. I'd rather have us as voters do it without having to pass laws but that doesn't seem to be happening. The incumbent has such a strong advantage when they have been in office so long most times that the newbies don't have a shot.

historymike said...

I like the "lifetime totals" limits that Hooda has proposed.

Government service should be a duty, but not a career.

Especially not a career that spans, say, the better part of eight decades, like Strom Thurmond.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I voted for Marcy many times too, until she got stuck on stupid a few elections ago.

Lots of politicians come down with this affliction.

Too bad they can't see it coming. If they did, they could stop running and retire with their dignity intact.