Monday, October 03, 2005

A pit bull in size 6 shoes goes for the robes...

Well I'm glad I didn't guess on that one, though I did not think President Bush would pick Harriet Miers, it does make sense in some ways but not in others.

She has no experience as a Judge, which while not a requirement for the Supreme Court, there have been only a few who have not been Judges (Rehnquist worked in the Nixon Administration in the Justice Department). This means it's going to make it hard to see what type of a Judge she is going to be, more difficult than Roberts, which might have been the intent.

It's ironic that the woman who had such a large part in helping President Bush select John Roberts ended up being selected herself.

I question her legal experience, she is no where near the same caliber as John Roberts. Not that it will matter in the end, the Republicans will probably have enough votes, and there is still alot more we don't know. However initially? I am not impressed, at least Roberts was impressive, conservative? Yes, but at least impressive.

UPDATE: I do have to add something that really irritates me. Every woman who decides not to marry or have a family is NOT a lesbian. I've already read too many blogs this morning who are implying Miers is a lesbian. Let it go people, sheesh if she is who cares? If she isn't? You make yourselves look stupid by bashing her on something that we who are more left are supposed to support.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Harriet Miers may prove to be an interesting choice.

Apparently, early Media digging has turned up the fact that she had donated to Al Gore's presidential campaign, as well as to former President Clinton's.

Then she reportedly had a change of mind/heart. Also being reported is that she is a devote 25 year member of an Evangelical church. That church is known for their strongly right-wing views.

As for her sexual orientation, It doesn't show on TV. What would one be looking for anyway?

Does it really matter?

And, if so, to whom?

Unknown said...

My point exactly. However since she's not married it's making the rumor circuit. Thankfully someone came up with a boyfriends name so they are probably searching him out for more dirt.

Jonathan said...


I haven't scoured the blogosphere yet for stories on her purported "lesbianism", but I posted on my blog yesterday with the quasi-rhetorical question: How long will it take before someone accuses her of being gay since she's not married? My guess was "By the end of the day."

Based on what you just said, it looks like I was correct. Sad, but not surprising. Most people don't give a damn, but clearly some do.