Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Who's really being divisive?

In reading the above linked Toledo Blade article I came across this statement:

The party's "implicit and divisive support for Mr. Finkbeiner makes their screening process a charade," Mayor Jack Ford said, later adding: "I refuse to be a willing participant."

If they refuse to participate in even trying to be endorsed by the Lucas County Democratic Party which Mayor Ford, five city councilpersons, one judical candidate and two school board members have decided to not even attempt who is divisive? The Lucas County Democratic Party did not endorse any of the three candidates in the primary.

The reply would be "Well they are biased". My response? If you don't try? Then you are the one dividing the local democrats not them. Here was a chance to try to end this whole A team and B team thing. Yet they didn't try because they don't want to try to work together. Would they have ended up not endorsing Ford anyway? Probably but to not try sends the message that if you cannot even try to work with "fellow" democrats how are you going to work with the rest of the city?

Sooner or later the Republicans or an Independent is going to come forward and take advantage of this infighting. Then it will be too late and both factions will be sitting there wondering what happened.


Cyberseaer said...

Just a local example of the national problem the Democrats have on their hands. It seems that thay can't play well together. The Republicans have differences and problems with each other, but they all put a storng unity face to the public. The Democrats had that at one time, but have lost it and the Republicans will beat them more times than not in elections and on polices.

If the Independants can look untied like the Republicans do, then the chance for a real three party system will be closer.

Unknown said...

I agree C, and Toledo could be the poster child for demonstrating how not to build unity.

Anonymous said...

This is another example of Ford waiting for things to fall into his (or Toledo's) lap. C'mon Jack, life is hard. It requires work. Show some life for once. Ambition... ok? Your base metabolic rate just isn't enough.

Wahhhhhhhhh! I'm Jack Ford and I DESERVE to be anointed! Wahhhhhhhh!!!

Unknown said...

If I thought we would end up with a good Independent candidate as Toledo Mayor the smart thing to do would be to encourage the split.

But as much as I'd like to see less Democrats and Republicans elected and more third party/independents? I also don't want the city to continue to head towards failure.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

re: JFo


I too longed for someone, with just a lick of sense, to run for mayor.

But then, there's that pesky brain drain thing...

Unknown said...

That's why I liked Keith, I was looking forward to the adventures of Taxpayer's Advocate....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I've watched Keith for a while now and I would have preferred him to either JFo or Carty, but he did NOT give me the warm and fuzzies.

None of those running did...

historymike said...

Look - JaFo just added up the votes on the central committee and realized that there was nothing he could do (short of assassination of massive bribery) to get the nod.

This way he at least looks like he has the high moral ground, if nothing else.