Friday, September 23, 2005

Some random thoughts.....

Ordering a mass exodus from a large metropolitan area without figuring out fuel distribution before you give the order is a mistake.

Rolling evacuations with both sides of a highway heading in one direction is a faster way to evacuate and helps to avoid traffic jams and reduces fuel issues.

Locating a large majority of refineries needed to make gasoline on a coast, any coast that has a history of hurricanes is a mistake.

Rather than spend money developing new weapons the government might want to consider pumping money into improving hurricane predictions. While they have gotten better, it could get alot better.

Local, State and Federal all need to develop better communication. Both in Katrina and now Rita there is an obvious problem in this area.

Reporters especially those from the Weather Channel are crazy....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

”Locating a large majority of refineries needed to make gasoline on a coast, any coast that has a history of hurricanes is a mistake.”

I often wondered why they did that too, especially since it has been scientifically determined that refineries are hurricane magnets :-)

”Rather than spend money developing new weapons the government might want to consider pumping money into improving hurricane predictions.”

Predicting hurricanes (weather in general), is one of the black arts, something akin to sorcery.

”While they have gotten better, it could get a lot better.”

I disagree. The more information/data we give them, the worse their predictions get.

I think that they should go back to watching the Wooly Caterpillars, and other wild animal behaviour for their predictions, like Grandma used to do.

”Local, State and Federal all need to develop better communication. Both in Katrina and now Rita there is an obvious problem in this area.”

They’re working on it, but the money required… Oy!

”Reporters especially those from the Weather Channel are crazy....”

It’s mandatory, written right into their job descriptions ;-)

Scott G said...

I think that instead of spending money on weapons or hurricanes, we should focus on poverty and hunger. I don't have stats, but I imagine that more die from hunger than weather a year

Unknown said...

True me4, very true

Anonymous said...

I definately agree with having all lanes of highways headed out of town. If you need to go back, you can use surface streets.

As far as Weather Channel craziness...

I'm still waiting for Jim Cantore to be impailed by a fence post while demonstrating the powerful forces of hurricane strength wind. It's really not a matter of if it will happen. It's a matter of when it'll happen.

Unknown said...

lol Micah I felt sorry for Jim because the past few hurricanes they place him in the spot they thing is going to be "the" place and it ends up being nothing.

Or...maybe it's mother nature messing with Jim Cantore.....


Anonymous said...

"Ordering a mass exodus from a large metropolitan area without figuring out fuel distribution before you give the order is a mistake."

You roll the dice, you take your chances.

"Locating a large majority of refineries needed to make gasoline on a coast, any coast that has a history of hurricanes is a mistake."

What with NIMBY and the price of real estate, not to mention access to the ports that the petroleum, what would your suggestion be?
