Tuesday, September 20, 2005

JD wins INXS Lead

It seems as the ones I really like rarely win reality based contests. But? JD Fortune made it all the way to the end and I think is going to be an awesome asset to INXS. Their new song Easy, Easy, was pretty good.



Cyberseaer said...

People aren't commenting on this blog. Why? I ask myself. Then it hits me.

They don't care. As a matter of fact, neither do I. INXS was a ok band for me. They really didn't suck, but I wouldn't buy their albums. Hasn't it been over a decade since their frontman died?

I just feel that this is a bad way to get a new singer. Business wise is was a excellent move. Not only do they get a good singer but they also get themselves back in the limelight so that they have a better chance at getting a gold record then just interviewing a new singer in private. But I say it is a bad move, because it shows a lack of integrity of how a band continues on. It's about the getting the quick big bucks at the expense of art.

Now I could be totally off base since I avoided this show like the Eqpytians tried to avoid the lotucs. On a side note, I do admit that I can be wrong at times.

I know that money fuels all motives in entertainment, as well it should, but this show just smacks me as cheap and I really don't think that INXS will find the success now that it it enjoyed when it first came onto the scene.

But then again, I could be wrong.

Unknown said...

I think alot of younger ones who didn't really know of INXS now do, with JD in the front it might get them back out there again.

Might not.

As to the comments? Visitors to the blog go in cycles for some reason Wednesday is almost always a low visit day, almost as low as the weekends. It seems to average one comment for every 25 visitors.


Cyberseaer said...

You may be right about the fans whose parents were high school when INXS were still in bars, that the younger fan base will buy the new stuff.

My only comment to that is the statement a friend of mine in college said when REM finally hit the ten top. "Great! Now nine year olds will be singing songs that I have loved for years. There is no justice." :)

Unknown said...

C, I actually would prefer my kids to listen to stuff I like rather than some of the junk Erin especially listens to - lol

I admit to being a fan of them not as much as some of the other music and I felt the same way you did Brew. I was afraid it was going to be an American Idol type thing and it really wasn't. There were some really awesome performers and I think INxS did pick the one that will fit them best.

historymike said...

I was completely in the dark until I read the posts.

"Aha!" I said to myself. "The INXS pseudo-reality show."

I used to think INXS was OK, at least until Michael Hutchence whacked himself (both literally and figuratively).

I can't see giving them another listen.

By the way, how does the new lead singer sound?

Unknown said...

I really like him mike, he can do the INXS songs well yet still has enough of his own style rather than try to create a copycate lead singer like some bands have done.

When Aubrey started watching this one I thought oh geezzz this is going to be horrible, but I was pleasantly surprised.


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