Monday, September 26, 2005

Dover is not the new Scopes Trial

Despite the media hype trying to make the Dover Intelligent Design trial the "next" Scopes Trial I disagree.

I'll be even more blunt, I don't think the Dover School Board is doing anything wrong. They are not teaching intelligent design, they are merely having at the beginning of the 9th grade Science section on evolution a statement read that:

Because Darwin's theory is a theory, it continues to be tested as new evidence is discovered. The theory is not a fact. Gaps in the theory exist for which there is no evidence. A theory is designed as a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations.

Intelligent Design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view. The reference book of Pandas and People is available for students to see if they would like to explore this view in an effort to gain understanding of what intelligent design actually involves. As is true with any theory, students are encouraged to keep an open mind.

Yes, that statement is what got parents "up at arms" and brought the ACLU in to sue the Dover School Board. Dover is not including Intellligent Design as part of the curriculum, all they are doing is saying "Hey, some people don't agree with Darwin. If you want to read more? Here's one source you can read on your own time".

What is wrong with that? One of the first questions that comes up in any class about Evolution is, What about God? This handles it at the beginning of the course without specifically mentioning God and points out not everyone agrees with Darwin. There are non-creationist scientists out there that don't agree with Darwin. Rather than each Science Teacher coming up with his or her response to the "What about God?" question this addresses it at the beginning and then they go on and learn about evolution.

I realize given the whole outcry over the stickers in Georgia that said evolution was not a proven theory, Dover might loose this case. That doesn't mean that I don't still think it's stupid, that this was a good compromise that didn't force religion into a school district. I also don't think win or lose that Dover is comparable to Scopes.

Sooner or later we have to start working together rather than litigating every thing we don't agree with. Compromise seems to be a lost art and it is going to cause alot more harm if it isn't refound.


Cyberseaer said...

I didn't even read passed page two before I got pissed off at the ACLU today. The complaint states that the school board intends to discuss gaps in Darwin's theory and intends to teach the "intellgent design". I read the boards statement and agree with you Lisa on what it means.

The ACLU's just wants to keep religon out of public schools even if it means to "lie" about the facts. I know what they are doing. They want to stop this "horrible" stament, because if this goes through, then those Jesus Freaks (you know, Chritians spreading the word of love and peace) will try and slip in a non secular commnet, then the Bible is inroduced and then there is peace and understanding among the youth of America. It is better that the youth kill each other in schools than respect each other.

If the "so-called" seperation of church and state stops then the ACLU loses its power. And like every group in this country, they do not want to lose any power.

The statment is saying, Darwin may not be right, let's talk about it. Here's another theory, if you want check it out at home. Just like you saiud Lisa. There is no violation of the Constitution here. God forbid we have calm debates on things. Let's go to court so the lawyers can get more of our money. Sometimes I think lawyers are legal whores. Pay them enough and they will agree with your dumbass opinions. This is coming from a son of a lawyer.

I hope that the Dover School Board wins to tell the ACLU to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the county. The ACLU is so protective of the Consitution that it has forgotten about the people in this country. HEY YOU ACLU ASSHOLES!!! SOMETIMES THE PEOPLE DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING HELP!!! ALSO YOU AREN'T ALWAYS RIGHT!

Unknown said...

I could understand if the Dover School Board was including the book of Pandas and People or a similar one as part of the curriculum trying to make it on the same level as teaching evolution why this would be an issue.

I just don't see the problem in being honest with our children and telling them there are people who don't agree with Darwin.

Not even all Scientists out there agree with Darwin so why we continue to believe that is the "answer" is beyond me.

I realize some will say well that should be taught at home and that is exactly what the Dover School Board is suggesting, all they have done is address something that is a natural question for some children to ask.

What about God?

While some would prefer a teacher say "God does not exist because Darwin says so". That is not honest.

We don't know.

Unknown said...

I'd also recommend this for anyone who is convinced that Darwin has the answers.

It really made me think because it addresses some important questions as to how certain things happened if we all came from the primordial pond.


liberal_dem said...

Intelligent Design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view.

An 'explanation??' Surely you jest.

Pardon me while I go into hysterical laughter....

Unknown said...

Laugh away, it doesn't change the fact that not everyone agrees with Darwin. While you might find it funny? Some people actually do believe in God.

Even if you forget about the ID portion of it, Darwin's theory has been questioned by many who are not creationist based.

Unknown said...

Brew disagrees with me, which is fine. It just goes to show that this is an area where many people don't have a common consensus.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


"Hey, some people don't agree with Darwin. If you want to read more? Here's one source you can read on your own time"."

Although I agree with you on this, I would have felt much better if the Dover School Board had left it here.

Well, the Pandas and People pointer would have been alright too, but after that, the rest became, well... "editorial."


Unknown said...

I think they could have compromised on the second paragraph too, would have been preferable to yet another lawsuit.

We need to find a balance we all can live with, I doubt we will find it in the courts.

Anonymous said...

The irony is: if this fight were going on in 1910, it might have been over whether or not the Universe had a moment of creation, or was it eternal? All the scientists said "no creation". Genesis said "yes". So is that a forbidden, religious position, demanding censorship in schools? And then along came Dr. Hubble in the 1920s, and the expanding Universe that began with a big bang and which demands an origin for the Universe! Later, the famous Arthur Eddington said something like, "Religion became possible for the educated man of science in about the year 1927". The Science of 1910 was wrong. Genesis was right.