Saturday, September 17, 2005

Country Western not a favorite

Buried in the above linked article that questions the Mayor of New Orleans allowing people to return was this little tidbit:

"They took everything - all the electronics, the food, the bikes," said John Stonaker, a Wal-Mart security officer. "People left their old clothes on the floor when they took new ones. The only thing left are the country-and-western CDs. You can still get a Shania Twain album."

So in addition to discovering looters don't like Country Western, we also know beyond a doubt the Mayor of New Orleans has some issues with dealing with reality. The reality is New Orleans is not going to be ready for tourism any time soon so trying to open businesses when they not only don't have clean drinking water but employees? I agree with this bar owner:

"We don't want a bunch of tourists in here while we're trying to get our homes together, get our businesses together," said Sandra Cimini, whose family owns a bar on Chartres Street. "It's not going to be walking down the street with a hurricane glass in your hand until we can get everything together."

On a personal note looks like my first favorite hotel the Fairmont survived and will be open to guests again around October 15th. I haven't been able to find out anything about Le Pavilion, my second favorite place. Their website is still down so keeping my fingers crossed that they didn't sustain to much damage.


Unknown said...

I left this "spam" up here because as part of my new "flag spammers" way of handling spam then deleting them?

This guy isn't a true spammer he's created a blog to try to get people angry by spam so that they will vent on his blog.

Being the nice person I am I commented there with the suggestion than anyone that hated spam do what I was....flag them


Cyberseaer said...

Of course they didn't swiped the Country Western CDs. Their lives are depressing enough right now. Don't need to hear someone else sing about their problems. ;)

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

The one characteristic that puts Country and Western on the "do not steal" list:

You can understand the lyrics ;-)

That, and the absense of that oh so soothing thumpa, thumpa, head-pounding beat...