Saturday, September 17, 2005

Reverse Robin Hood...

President Bush admits it is going to take alot of money to rebuild New Orleans. However he makes it clear he will not raise taxes that additional cuts will be made.

Then reading more about it I spot this:

An administration official said the White House and Congress will look for specific spending cuts, starting with about $20 billion in savings identified in the president's 2006 budget. Still more could come from changes to entitlement programs to slow their growth. Those proposals have already been examined by Congress and rejected.

Also, some of those cuts would hit precisely the programs the lawmakers want to expand. Among the programs slated by Bush for cuts were Medicaid, which he now wants to extend to evacuees, and the Army Corps of Engineers, which is faced with the huge burden of repairing levees and dredging waterways wrecked in the storm.

Taking from those already in similar poverty situations to what those in New Orelans experienced prior to the hurricane doesn't make sense. It is hurting a larger group to help a smaller group. Nor does it appear it will go thru since most of the cuts suggested before were rejected by Congress. So where does that leave us in the end? I'm all for cutting government waste, suggesting we start with a pledge from Congress to eliminate all pork projects immediately.

I also don't see where Rove is qualified to be the "expert" handling the aftermath of Katrina.

1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Yes, by all means, cut the pork first.

Then, if we need to cut further, we should cut foreign aid.

We need to take care of our own before we take care of others...

Side note:
Wouldn't it be interesting to find that those foreign countries CAN survive without the U.S. handouts that they have gotten so used to...