Thankfully this time it won't interfere with Survivor or the Apprentice.....Dan Froomkin asks the question on my mind as well....
So the big question about Bush's address on Iraq tomorrow night is whether he will come to the podium equipped with a speech that addresses the mounting concerns of the American people -- or whether he will simply roll out a repackaging of the talking points that contributed to the disconnect in the first place.
Supposedly President Bush doesn't care about polls or even read the news, but I'm sure some of his staffers do. I'm voting for a re-packaging, telling us however how War is hard work, and it takes time, and we have to stay the course.
Oh and those liberals? It's all their fault.
First and foremost the day Bush says something remotely different than his original words - both Liberals and those nut-job Democrats will be quick to call him "Kerry" I mean waffler. This is why he has the job and John does not. There isn't a day set for evacuation nor will there be one. These poloticians (yes I meant to mis-spell it that way - smacking the issue around but will not get off their high horse to pick it up) should suit up for the terrorists and help them out here in the US, but then again we do have the ACLU hookin em up already chipping away at what our founding fathers created. Hmmm how long would it be before the extreme feminist groups decide to take down the founding fathers and declare it to be unconstitutional.
Well anon, that was an interesting rant. You managed to invoke terrorists, ALCU and feminists all in response to will President Bush rehash the same lines on Iraq that a growing majority of people aren't buying anymore or try to convince people that he really does have an plan besides repeatedly reminding us that "it's hard work"
As to chipping away what our founding fathers created? That has been the fault of allowing the two parties to have control rather than the way the system was originally created. That has been more damaging than the ACLU.
The cold hard reality is that a growing number of Americans really don't think it is worth the loss of lives or money in Iraq and while President Bush can't run again Republicans are even starting to get worried because some of them do want to be re-elected. Americans are a fickle bunch and having US soldiers continue to be killed on a regular basis to them doesn't seem like a victory. The "is this worth it" question is being answered "No" so unless he can come up with some reasons to say "yes"? The numbers will continue to grow that demand action.
I think he is goingto announce that I am his new advisor on Iraq and heir to the throne, I mean presidency.
if that isn't what he says, it will be more along the lines of "making progress, hard work, evil doers, hate freedom, different after 9/11..."
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