It's been a good week for me here on Liberal Common Sense. My hits are up, and I will probably break the 5,000 page views this week which is not to shabby for a baby blog like mine that's only existed since the end of February.
Most of you visit but don't comment which I will continue to harrass you about because I am of course me, but having TCF visit me and comment was one "Wow" moment, as well as Frank Szollosi not only commenting but finding out he listed me as a link on his blog was a double "Wow" moment. I got a really nice email from Lauren this weekend too, which was appreciated.
Will I let this go to my head? No, of course not, but it was still cool.
I kind of like being an insignificant microbe, if it bothered me I wouldn't link it because it shows me how far I have to go and baby it's only up from there......Today's insignificant microbe might be tomorrow's higher being (yeah okay if I'm going to dream dream big - lol)
Keep up the good work!
Hey good for you. I hope that you gain more power so that you can squeeze Ben and Jerry to put out that P&J ice cream back on the market. That stuff is good. Confused? Well, scroll down to the past blogs that I have commented on to see what I mean. From Friday (6/24/05) on.
I noticed that you didn't mention me, but that's ok. You were tired when writing. I'll just go offline and go into the fetal positon and cry my eyes out. I'll be fine in a week or three. No, no. All is well. I need a good cry anyway. It makes me feel better and I go to my happy place later for BJPBJIC that is still not back on the market. LOL
lol you know how I feel about MFWSAAB...
Thanks dot...I should give a prize for the person that is the magical 5,000 page view though...Great Idea!
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