Yes, I am thinking about creating a whole new line of Subculture Bellicose Blogger wear....hehehe
But on to the serious situation of having children who are not bellicose....Let them get their own cell phone. Make them pay for it of course because we do have some common sense. Technically she's not a child she's 16 and she is earning her own paycheck now.
So we went and got her the most coveted of all teenage possessions besides a car a cell phone.
Now not only are my day time minutes safe but my cell phone will never be left with a dead battery again.
Thank you cricket for making unlimited minutes with free text messaging at an affordable price.
And thus is the key to non-bellicose children....
Just wait until she figures out how small her calling area is. Heh. Not that she would travel that much out of the Greater Toledo area, but as soon as she crosses the Michigan border, it's gone.
On the plus side, maybe she'll learn to be more careful with cell phones now that it's *her* money she's spending :)
Cell phones will be the death of society. Tuesday night my family went to Friendly's for some not so healthy food and puble family time. A mother and daughter were dining behind us and I caught most of thier conversation, since both talk too damn loud (but not loud enough for us to say, "Shut the hell up."). The girl was worried about college and other social issues. About every seven minutes (yes, I timed and averaged it out), the mother's cell phone rang and she talked mostly on the cell than to her daughter. Not for nothing, but my child's welfare is more important than getting a phone call.
I see everyone with these damn things. Yes, I have one too, but I don't use it 23 out of 24 hours in the day. it wasn't that long ago when very few people had these things. The world kept spinning, business was still done, people lived as well as they do today. Now I see idiots with the cell as an ear peice. People put the cell back in the pocket and hold your child's hand, instead of saying. "Daddy's (or Mommy's) has a phone call. Go ahead an cross the busy street without me." CRASH!!!!!!! Another dead child who wasn't told to look both ways before crossing the street, becasue call waiting wasn't working well.
Yes, cell phone suck. And because people cannot talk on the phone and drive (they most likely can't walk and chew gum at the same time either), I have to legally pull over to talk on the cell in my car. Thank God the cops didn't see me drive, eat a burger, drink my soda, light my cigarette with the last one, change the radio station (sevarel times), talk to my girlfriend, cop a feel, and shift gears on the stick shift all at the same time. I wouldn't still have my lincense today. Oh, but I never got in an accident doing that. But I can't talk on my cell and drive at the same time since 12 smucks talked on the phone while driving and hit 100 people each.
At least your daughter will spend her money and not yours when she talks to friends that she said goodbye to 45 seconds ago. Yeah I've seen that stuff too in NJ. Let's enjoy the ride down, but why are we in these handbaskets?
okay note to self...C does not like cell phones....I agree irresponsible cell phone use is bad and no one will die if they turn off their cell phone during dinner or a movie and that driving while on a cell phone shouldn't be done.
That's true em but you know how she is with minutes so cricket is a better deal. Sides now she can text message (though I don't see the thrill in that) since I wouldn't pay for that on mine.
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