The new subculture.....
Okay I had to laugh, I was reading this piece in the Washington Post about the President's speech last night when I came across this:
Bush's speech aired on all the major broadcast networks, something of a surprise since as of mid-afternoon yesterday, neither NBC nor CBS had plans to cover it. They felt, correctly, that the speech contained nothing new or newsy and that it didn't merit a half-hour or more of prime time. But something changed as the day wore on, and Bush showed up on NBC and CBS as well as on ABC and the various cable news networks that previously had announced they would cover the speech.
In a time when some polls show the popularity of the news media to be even lower than the approval rating for Bush's conduct of the war, the managements of the networks may have feared hostile reaction if they didn't air the speech live. Political conservatives keep up a steady drumbeat of hostility against the media, something the Bush administration does nothing to discourage. Refusing to air the speech probably would have led to unpleasantness -- or at the least given the new subculture of bellicose bloggers another alleged media conspiracy to shriek about.
Tom Shales the Washington Post "Style" Columnist does not like we bloggers? Wait...maybe he does. Bellicose...not a word you hear often so let's be sure and look it up, it means warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious.
I do like the whole subculture part though....however I don't shriek, well often anyway.
Fear the blog....before we go bellicose......
This writer thinks that bloggers are not worth the time to read, since bloggers are not real reporters. That is just a guess on my part. When something new comes into the fray, it is distruted my the mainstream and the established. As time goes by, the new becomes mainstream and then is accepted and ready to shun the next new thing that may replace it.
Though I do not think that bloggers will replace print reporters, they will offer a fresh presecptive that will challenege the rules of the established reporting scene. Who knows? Maybe the bloggers will take over. Maybe they will be the eyes and ears for the world. Then Bill Gates will have to something about it, so he can make money off of it. :)
I don't think we'll ever replace the mainstream media either but it does give people a chance to discuss and at times call the regular media on some things, Mr. Shales must not like that.
...but...but...but...without the mainstream media how would we know about the runaway bride and Michael Jackson???
okay can handle MJ and the runaway bride....I have my hands full with "Toledo's own Katie Holmes" and Tom Cruise
Give me an e-mail address. I have a blogger invite for you...
Yeah, damn blogs. All they do is try to find answers and push things that the media ignores. Arrogant bloggers think they know what Americans want. Next some fake news program will come along that tells the news by making fun of it
wow me4 you have that whole bellicose thing down much better than I do...I am in envy...
I had to work on bellicose in the Army to get things done.
That explains what is lacking in my bellicoseness....they wouldn't take me..some silly rule about needing me two whole lungs...
I will watch and learn from your bellicosability powers though....
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