The reason this ended up being such a long drawn out mess is the impossibility of getting a mutual decision on what type of living room furniture we wanted. My husband stubbornly insists he would strongly prefer Leather Sofas. I imagine the end result of cats with claws and leather furniture, which then leads to a discussion of why he doesn't like cats. Since the cats are not going anywhere...
We are back to deciding which type of Sectional Sofas we can agree on. Not in leather, and preferably in a lighter tone of material where the blond or white cat fur won't be an instantly recognizable attention getter but one that is also easy to vacuum, since our last dear departed couch's fabric did not want to seem to let go of the cat hair no matter how powerful the sweeper...
Sofa shopping is worthy of nightmares. Not only are the good ones horribly expensive, but finding sturdy ones with practical fabric seems pretty much impossible.
As my children have a habbit of vomitting on any sofa we might get; we've concluded that a new one just isn't worth the $500 - 1000 we'd have to drop to get one that'd last more than a few days of the boys' wear and tear.
Then again, your kids are older. Less problematic. But cats and dogs never quite learn that lesson.
We will NEVER have sectional sofas ever again.
They're like living with a beautiful, temperamental man or woman; pretty to look at, but HELL to live with.
From our personal experience. . .
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