Friday, June 29, 2007

Photo Hunt - Sweet

This is "Sweet" for many reasons, first that my ex-husband's girlfriend is such a talented baker/cake decoration artist is pretty sweet. Next would be the celebration of my fourth oldest child graduating from high school, that alone is pretty sweet. Then look at this cake, everything on it is edible, Ellen hand made all of the flowers and even the leaves. She then made a sweet whipped cream icing and put a layer of strawberries with the whipped cream icing as a layer. The cake was almost too pretty to eat...but we did...and it was sweeeeeettttt...

Theme: Sweet | Become a Photo Hunter | View Blogroll

Happy Photo Hunting to all!


Anonymous said...

congratulations and I want a piece!!

Anonymous said...

She handmade THAT cake??! Impressive! I mean with all the details.. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a cake decorator so I know the time that went into that cake! It's gorgeous!

Unknown said...

It is pretty impressive, at first I thought when my ex told me that his new girlfriend could decorate and bake the cake...yeah right...

But she is fantastically talented, and everyone thanked her very much.


Melli said...

For. DEFINITE. Sure! That is like my biggest downfall... cake! Especially with the whipped cream frosting! Mmmm... And I had TWO high school graduates this year! THAT was SWEET too!

jmb said...

Fantastic cake, she is a talented cake maker.

Anonymous said...

The flowers are amazing!! Hard to believe it is all edible! Too pretty to eat--I agree!

(Thanks for stopping by and commenting earlier.)

bonggamom said...

Congratulations to the baker, your son and you!

Ingrid said...

Wow, what a colorful cake !

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Lisa. That's a lovely cake. It's a sweet gift considering the effort and time she spent making it. I think it's also sweet that you are friends with your ex-husband and his girlfriend. Not many people can do that.

Thanks for visiting my photo hunt earlier. Have a lovely weekend!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

That's a lovely cake and you can almost SMELL the sweetness!

Anonymous said...

It is notjust the cake that is sweet. Its the act of doing the cake was sweet.

have a sweet weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Not only is the cake outstanding but you have a 2007 grad - how proud you must be. The cake looks great and I love that it's made with cream instead of so much sugar. Enjoy...


CRIZ LAI said...

Nice decorated cake. Congrats. Have a nice weekend :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Graduation! How sweet it is. And that cake doesn't look to bad either! Great choice for The Hunt.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

1. How sweet of her to make that cake (and what a talent!!)
2. That cake looks so sweet to eat!
3. It was very sweet of you to post this picture and make me hungry for cake at 8 am in the morning.
Great photo! Have a wonderful weekend. Now I'm off to read your other blog. Very interesting.

letha said...

What an amazing cake, I bet the flowers were sweeter than even the bees are used too.

Shawna said...

Mmm! I want a piece! What a great talent!

Montserrat said...

One of my dreams is to learn how to decorate cakes like that.

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely gorgeous!

lissa said...

That's a good looking cake. I like the details.

Anonymous said...

Oh my - what a beautiful cake. Lots of talent there. congrats to your son on his graduation.

Happy Weekend!

roman said...

That was definitely a sweet and tasty cake.
Good choice sweetheart.

soccer mom in denial said...

I couldn't agree more that the cake looks SWEET and the story behind it is even sweeter! How wonderful that you are friend's with your ex's girlfriend.

Whirlwind said...

Thats a a great cake. Congratulations!

Michele said...

WOW... amazing... looks incrdible!

Unknown said...

I´m deeply impressed - that´s an excellent piece of work. Or shall I say excellent piece of cake? =)

Congrats to you and your fourth oldest child graduating from high school!