Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So what did we learn from yesterday's primaries...

I'm sure it's happy times in Kosville today since Lamont won. What happens next should be interesting. No suprise that Lieberman is going to run as an Independent and most of the Democrats will fall in line because of course party means more than person. (Well to them anyway.)

What is going to be interesting if Lamont wins how he's going to pull off what his campaign was based on:

Saying the time has come to "fix George Bush's failed foreign policy," Lamont said he would push for a withdrawal of U.S. forces in Iraq. "I say it's high time to bring them home to a hero's welcome," he said as his supporters began to chant "Bring them home, bring them home."

Sure, I believe a Freshman Senator is going to make that happen just as much as I believe the car fairy will appear and leave a bright shiny new car at my doorstep.

Cynthia McKinney's Campaign is not taking yesterday's loss well:

McKinney attributed his success to Republicans crossing over to vote against her and financing his campaign. Prominent Georgia Republicans, such as failed gubernatorial candidate Guy Millner and Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, have backed Johnson, but so have prominent Democrats, including former governor Roy Barnes.

McKinney's campaign yesterday lashed out at "voting irregularities," citing police harassment, poll workers refusing to hand out Democratic ballots, "insecure" voting machines casting wayward votes, and some ballots missing McKinney's name.

And in Michigan...I guess if you are a Republican you are not supposed to support same sex marriage or abortion:

In Michigan, Walberg showed that voters of both parties are in an uncompromising mood. The ordained minister had the support of conservative outside groups, such as the Washington-based Club for Growth, as he attacked Schwarz for his support of abortion rights and legal recognition of same-sex partnerships.

Really if you take two of the three campaigns it's kind of scary. Democrats going way left to elect Lamont and Schwarz being defeated because he dared to believe that gays have rights...McKinney is easier to understand, people were tired of her.


Scott G said...

I am kind of glad Lieberman lost. I think it opens the door for a Republican to win if they can get a more competent candidate, but I lost respect for Lieberman when he said we shouldn't question the President during war. He can support the war if he wants and I can respect honest support, but blind support is ignorant to me.

I am not happy that the Kos crowd got the outcome they wanted. Their heads are already filled with visions of power and importance, but they do not speak for me or most intelligent Liberals I know.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Lisa, let's see if I get this: 1) Freshmen senators can't do anything, because they have no power. 2) ergo, always vote for the incumbent.

Anonymous said...

You jackasses need to stop conflating people who are tired of Lieberman and the GOP with whacko liberals. As a person who voted for Bush in 2000, and supported the Iraq invasion until it became clear that no planning was done for the occupation (oh, and that there really weren't any WMD, either--just a small, quickly forgotten point for you koolaid drinkers), I, and those who voted for Lamont, represent the MAJORITY of Americans who are sick and tired of a dithering around with our heads up our asses in Iraq, with no plan other than "stay the course, or else you cut and run." What a bunch of amateurs you are. Umm, the Kos crowd wasn't pulling the levers in CT, Dem voters were. Lieberman wasn't adequately representing their views, apparently. But I'm sure you asshats have no problem with his mounting an independent run. After all, the only people who should be allowed to concede an election, pace the 2000 presidential election, are allegedly weak Dems, right? Well, in the priceless words of the VEEP, go fuck yourself.

Unknown said...

Not always, but the position an incumbent holds should be taken into consideration. Unless there is some type of term limit situation created (which will probably never happen) there is a clear advantage that comes with seniority in the House and the Senate. So, the logical conclusion would be to make sure if you are willing to lose that the person you are selecting has some great ideas and plans.

I'm realistic enough to not believe the hype that in the present formation of the House and the Senate Lamont can't do as he has promised. Not without help, and given the position of the majority of Democrats in Congress? Those who voted for him are in for a major disappointment if he wins in November.

As to the second anonymous? Yep that is the way to keep going, keep alienating the mainstream middle class americans and the independents. That will get you very far. It also demonstrates clearly that you do not have the ability to discuss things rationally. My relatives in New London did NOT support Lamont and they are more Democrat than I know I am. Now if you feel better for telling me to go fuck myself, I'm happy for you. But anonymous insults on a blog don't do much for me.

Unknown said...

I'd also point out anon 2 that you are not posting from CT. So if you did vote for Lamont? I'm very flattered that while you are traveling or vacationing you took the time to visit me.


Scott G said...

I am offended at the accusation that I am conflating anything. I not only deny that allegation, but I deny the alligator(still a goodie).

I said that I was opposed to Lieberman and not that crazy Liberals or Republicans were. I have opposed the war the whole time for the reasons that people are just admitting to now.

I just don't like the Kos crowd or the influence they try to to exert on the political process. I think they are a bunch of intelligent people who just happen to be wankers who make all liberals look whacked out

Unknown said...

It doesn't bother me when people don't agree with me. However I am inclined to believe only a wanker would tell someone to fuck themselves. Maybe I'm not in the mood to do that right now, it's just sooo rude.


I'm not going to lie and say I'm a huge Lieberman fan - however he's not a neo-con. He's a Democrat who supported the war like quite a few of them in DC right now. And I hate fake promises by candidates. Lamont cannot deliver on what he is promising and Lieberman was the one who appears to have taken the heat for all of the other dems who supported the war. Now of course they will drop him and support Lamont.

Cyberseaer said...

I'm just glad that the Georgia voters woke up and got crazy lady out of office.

As for the CT seats, there for CT. What politician from CT did any real good. Of course coming a person in NJ, it may not be saying much with the state voting for a political climber in the governer seat, but I degres.

And if I was to tell anyone to F--k themselves (Emily may be reading), I would do it with more respect than A2. Unless of course the person was an asshole like A2 (You sank my battleship!). Sorry Emily for my bad word that I am too tired to delete.

Unknown said...

Well considering I actually used the f word more than once I think it's okay. Sides Emily is in Florida right now so we are safe.

She's at a Fraternity Convention.


Anonymous said...

The congressional election outcome this November should prove very interesting.
I wonder how much voter dropoff there will be from the 2004 election.

Scott G said...

I would like to see the Dems take back the Congress and Senate but not push for impeachment. They should investigate everything thoroughly, but I worry that impeachment will rally support for the Republicans in 2008 as being a witch hunt

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

”…most of the Democrats will fall in line because of course party means more than person.”
Ain’t that the truth? Maybe Liberman will pull significant Republican votes, sorta like Zell Miller does.

”Sure, I believe a Freshman Senator is going to make that happen just as much as I believe the car fairy will appear and leave a bright shiny new car at my doorstep.”
My money’s also on the Fairy, the Tooth Fairy.

”McKinney attributed his success to Republicans crossing over to vote against her and financing his campaign.”
Of course! It’s always someone else’s fault…

”McKinney's campaign yesterday lashed out at "voting irregularities," citing police harassment, poll workers refusing to hand out Democratic ballots, "insecure" voting machines casting wayward votes, and some ballots missing McKinney's name.”
Just another “trick” by those EVIL Republicans… Oh, and the Dems that backed Johnson.

”And in Michigan...I guess if you are a Republican you are not supposed to support same sex marriage or abortion:”
Don’t even get me started…, on either party. . . ;-)

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