Monday, January 30, 2006

Today was a big day...

First the news that the Toledo Free Press is giving me an opportunity to write a weekly web column to highlight Toledo area bloggers, which will start February 8th, that I wrote about this morning on Glass City Jungle. Then, we just got home from doing an interview for Fox news by my favorite Fox anchor, Karl Rundgren. The interview was about Toledo blogging and featured myself and another popular Toledo blogger. Since I didn't ask him, and he may want to announce this in his own way/timeframe, I'm not writing who he is cept to say it was awesome to get to meet him and I hope my husband didn't talk his ear off. Update: I can "reveal" the popular Toledo blogger that was also interviewed tonight, none other than (cue music) Michael Brooks of History Mike's Musings. I was very well behaved and did not as I originally threatened make funny faces at him while he was being interviewed. :-)

So today was a very exciting day. The interview will be shown in about week or so, I'll give more info when I find out the exact air date for those of you who want to throw popcorn or other objects at the tv screen - lol

I've been working on some of these new ideas and it is really amazing to see some of this start to happen. Blogging has given me so many new opportunities and adventures that never would have happened had I not done the next step which was start going outside of the keyboard sometimes. I can't wait to see what happens next!



Scott G said...

Awesome! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Thanks me4 it was alot of fun, and went alot better (I think) than the last time I was interviewed years ago about a Humane Organization I was involved in. Where I giggled nervously and said my pets were easier to control than my children (They've never forgotten that moment - lol)


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Lisa. I am proud for you!

historymike said...

Yes, Lisa was well-behaved; only a couple of smirks while I was getting interviewed. :-}

I am sure that she did well in her interview; from what I saw she was gregarious, lively, and well-spoken.

I, on the other hand, felt like a petrified log.

I think I will come across as a wooden geek. I have always disliked being on TV, and I am comfortable with the fact that no network will come a-knocking on my door.

But it is a necessary evil, especially if you are trying to get exposure for your work in a small media market.

Congrats also to Lisa on her TFP column; she definitely has the chops to write circles around many of the local journalists, and she gets to do some fun writing, as opposed to the investigative stuff that gets everyone gunning for you (like my neo-Nazi trolls).

Unknown said...

I don't plan on writing circles around local journalists, but thanks for thinking I could.

As you now know first hand, not only am I a prolific writer but a prolific talker too - lol. It'd take me a long time to adjust to writing within the word constraints, which is why for me? This Toledo Free Press opportunity is one I know I can do.

Thanks Steve, we'll see how proud you are of me when I get the video.


Scott G said...

Will you still remember us little people

Unknown said...

Like I could ever forget you me4, I have too much fun here to ever stop doing this no matter what else happens.

Though I'm behind today because Erin had to have more tests and they still don't know what is wrong with her. However, we have eliminated several more possible guesses.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to wish you both a belated congratulations!

Well done!

I know I wouldn't have the guts for it, that's for sure. Petrified log nothing...for me it would be more "the silent interview."