Thursday, December 15, 2005

Okay fine I'll play...Five weird habits...

David at Third World County listed my second usual response to tagging...

And sure, there are going to be people who whimp out and say something totally weenie like, "I'm not gonna tag anyone; y'all can just tag yourselves if you want."

To avoid being considered "weenie" (LMAO)...

Five of my weirdist habits:

1) I will not wear plain socks. They have to be sparkly or fuzzy and soft and never ever white.

2) Two of my cats will follow me if I call their names, if I walk they walk, if I run they run. So sometimes I run down the hall just to make sure they will run with me. (Yes I find this amusing).

3) Related to number two, I gather my family to watch the cats run thru the house with me....(Then I laugh when the cats will not do that for them)

4) I use the Sims (a computer game) as a stress reliever. I create Sims named after people that are giving me a hard time and then do really mean things to them. Like put them in a room and then take out the door so they will die. One former boss that I had, I created a Sims charcter of him, let him go swimming then? Deleted the ladder so he couldn't get out of the pool.

5) I like to spread peanut butter on cookies. Especially cookies from Kroger's Bakery. I can't eat alot of chocolate but I've been known to make my own "reeses" by spreading peanut butter on chocolate bars too....

Now, for the rules to this little "let's weird out people" or "let's out weird people" take your pick - lol.

1.) List five of your weirdest habits.

2.) Tag five.

3.) Copy the list (and its links) below and post it with the TOP name/link removed and your blog/link added to the BOTTOM.

4.) Trackback to let me know you joined in the silliness...

5.) Don't forget to give whoever you pick the rules and oh yeah if you don't play? We will taunt you with "NI" or something......

Peakah's Provocations
Diane's Stuff
I'm Just a Girl
third world county
Liberal Common Sense

Now for the hard part....who to tag....

Me4 at Me4President2008
Steve at The Aging Hipster
Tim at See What Happens
Subcomandante Bob at Toledo Tales
HT at Hooda Thunkit

trackbacked to follow the rules and hereby dispell any rumors of my "weeniedom" at David at Third World County



David said...

Now, I reveal my true weirdness: I didn't find any of your weird habits weird at all.

OK, well the sock thing's a little "out there" but the cat stuff? Cats are their own weird, ya know? I do stuff like that with our cats alla time, so it can't be weird... I mean, can it? heh

The Sims thing, now that's just ingenious. Now, if only we could control reality through a virtual world...

Peanut butter is good on almost anything. Well, excepting eggs or jalapeno peppers or...

Unknown said...

lol - I guess wierdness is in the eye of the beholder...

I almost wrote I ruin every movie for my family by researching the ones that claim to be "true" then have to tell them about which parts aren't true....


Scott G said...

I will have to take some time to think of my weird habits. I also do the same thing with the Sims and I have an election game where I defeat Republican candidates for presidentall the time, but I think that is normal.

Unknown said...

Normal for us? yes, but other people seem to think that's strange....


Scott G said...

That is because the other people are strange. It is the people who deny being strange that actually are strange. Same with crazy people. The ones who think they aren't crazy are actually insane

Anonymous said...

I can't participate in the tagging (if I can, I have no idea how to, so it amounts to the same thing, I think) so I'll list five of my weird habbits, in no particular order of weirdness, because that would take too much thought.

1) I can't sit through a movie/t.v. show and enjoy it at the same time. I yell at them and get real excited, making strange noises. This creeps out even my husband, who is (luckily for me) stranger than your average bear.

2) I greatly enjoy varying my vocabulary and syntax (spoken) to confuse people who annoy me.

3) I do a significant portion of my reading in the bathroom (which will probably only seem strange to people who've never had young children, or don't enjoyed reading uninterrupted).

4) I write stories where the theme is a person and the plot and characters are extrapolations of their personalities and give them as gifts (this does not always go over well).

5) I make up contemporaneous songs and sing them to my children, though I can't actually sing. Example:
Ben is a cool cat cowboy,
Wearing an elephant suit,
He don't have the boots,
He don't have the hats,
But he's got the heart and all of that!

This song has many verses and gestures that goes along with it and will someday be a national hit, I'm sure of it.

Unknown said...

I do some of those too Stephanie...

I remember the hiding in the bathroom days and the song?

I agree...sounds like a hit to me!


Anonymous said...


My son likes it!

Though, for clarification, my husband read through my list and said those are NOT the weirdest things about me. Though, he refused to, we'll all have to remain in the dark.

I embrace the bizarre. It's just better that way!

Unknown said...

(don't worry I was told the same thing - I don't wanna know either)


Anonymous said...

LOL - I just keep in mind I'd rather be weird and misunderstood than normal and boring.

Unknown said...

Exactly...who would want to be normal and boring!


Peakah said...

Nice job... the SIMS thing could put years back on my life!

Peanut butter on everything sounds like my wife. She was the first person I've met to put it on pancakes, now I do it too... mmmmmm... gotta try it on jalepenos tho, could be a winner.

The running with the cats sounds like what I do with my dogs (when I had dogs) I taught one of my dogs to smile when he got excited and everyone thought he was rabid when he would curl up his upper lip, snort, and slightly foam at the mouth... he was just happy to see me!

Nice job...

Unknown said...

I highly recommend the Sims, I have evolved into the Sims2 but the original series is pretty inexpensive (though all of them are addictive).

I've had peanut butter on pancakes though I prefer it on waffles kind of a waffle pbj...Pancakes typically alternate between blueberry or strawberry syrup or if I'm lucky enough to have some? Real maple syrup...


Anonymous said...

I've oft been disappointed with products labeled "real maple syrup." That's probably do to my early exposure to Vermont. I mean, really, if you can't see the spigots sticking out of the trees, is it really maple syrup? We're talking land of milk and honey stuff here!

Hmm. Now I want pancakes. And I miss the ocean.

At least Wisconsin makes good honey.

Unknown said...

So far....Steve is the only one I "tagged" who produced....Yet Stephanie shared with out even being tagged...tsk tsk you guys....



Unknown said...

Stephanie I agree on the "real" syrup. My oldest daughter went to vermont on a ski trip and brought me back some real maple syrup that I hoard like gold and will not let any of the kids use....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


I can play along, sort of…

I have no clue about tags/tagging and I barely comprehend trackbacks, so I’m still stuck in blogging preschool, much to the chagrin of my son the blogvangelist… Are there classes or support groups for this stuff?

Anyway, I’ll list some abnormal (to some people) activities that I partake in/practice, but I don’t think that I’ll be able to come up to five :-)

Mrs. Thunkit however, expresses dismay at limiting the number to five as she seems to be of the mind that, for me at least, 500 would be a more fitting goal. As usual, I have no idea where that came from, or what she is talking about.

(1) I talk, yea I scream, to/at the radio, and television as if it could hear and answer me. I only wish that it could, sometimes. My radio and T.V. both have remotes, but neither has the much needed “bitch slap” button. Sigh…

(2) I talk to other drivers (okay, I scream at them too), often requesting that they remove certain appendages from certain orifices, in order to facilitate their hasty but orderly relocation out of my way.

Obviously, there should be different lanes for the clueless drivers and those that know (or, think they know) what they are doing, where they are going, and how to get there.

This would make some of us eternally happy. And, lest you consider me a driving snob, I do not always belong in the latter described lanes, voluntarily joining the ranks of the clueless at times. (It happens; rarely) the difference for me though is that I usually know when to join the clueless and do so voluntarily.

(3) At work, I often write scathing attacks about the decisions of by bosses (I have a problem with the term “superiors,” as they often are clearly not) and show them to my fellow co-workers. I/we find it a useful form of therapy; a way to vent, without risking dismissal.

(4) I write “Why is it…” lists of rhetorical questions, focusing on management’s quirks, arrogance, peccadilloes, oversights etc., purely for the therapeutic it gives me by allowing me to vent without fear of retaliation.

(5) I blog, for pretty much the same reasons, as I am way too opinionated to keep silent, but keenly aware that my size 13’s don’t quite fit in my mouth, especially at the same time.

There, that was harder than I thought (took ~ 3 minutes) ;-)

Strangely though, upon rereading, they don’t seem particularly weird… to me ;-)

(I really do have to try harder to keep up with my blogging though…)

I’m going to stop now, dozens of ideas are flooding my mind and I don’t really want to get started…

Unknown said...

lol at Mrs. HT, and you are in good company, alot of people have written the talking to their tvs/radios (then of course a few admit we talk to ourselves or our pets)

You're getting the hang of it, it takes a while to learn the whole trackbacks and the rest.


Unknown said...

The "tagging" thing is like the game tag, where you are "it" cept in this case it means usually more than one person is selected to "play along" too.

There are of course other meanings for tags and tagging that are net based but that's what it means for things like these "theme or meme" type things.

David said...

Love the research movies thing. I'm always commenting when a movie's "suspension of disbelief bridge" collapses...

David said...

lr/stephanie: Probably the only people who know how really weird I am are my wife and children.

but then, I suspect that may be true of many of us folks sloshing around here in the blogosphere meme pool...

Unknown said...

I agree those that live with us know our "deep dark habit secrets"...yet we know theirs too...hehehe


Anonymous said...

Hey, the buttered brown sugar and cinnamon poptarts are delicious :-D