Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I have a problem with this

or...This is where Lisa decides to take her marbles and go home because she has principles....

I don't think it's cool or fun to try to humiliate people. I don't care how big of a blogger you are or what award you are up for, or any of that. This bothered me. If for some reason it's gone I saved it here....

I'm not going to try to defend this Ridor person's being rude. What I do take issue with is trying to humiliate him by posting what he wrote and his blog address. This "oh let's have a laugh at someone else's expense" bs. I hesitated posting this because the last thing I want to do is help them have a mighty haha but then again, by sitting back and shutting up I'm saying I agree to this happening.

I'm not going to win the Weblog award thing anyway, and if I did? Knowing this is the kind of people that were a part of it? Would I even want it? No, I wouldn't. It's not based on quality anyway once you get past the intial finalist selection and given this? I'm not even sure being selected is a compliment anymore.

Someone's going to say I need to lighten up or I'm taking this too seriously. You damn betcha I am taking this seriously. I've seen discrimination of the deaf first hand, while I can never for a moment understand what Ridor or anyone else has gone thru I know what it's like to watch someone go thru it. It goes even beyond the deafness issue, I don't see the need to try and get your jollies from trying to embarrass or humiliate someone else. Nor do I get this whole mentality where someone does something jerky and everyone piles on. This is more than about some stupid weblog award, this is about saying, ENOUGH!!! Stop treating people like shit. Stop trying to make yourself seem so superior by trying to bring other people down. Oh brother, now there is some silly almost flame war going on between some of the other "bigger blogs". So much for the theory that this whole Weblogs award was supposed to be fun. I guess I have a different interpretation of the word "fun"

Let's seee....dictionary.com...the word "FUN":

A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
Enjoyment; amusement: have fun at the beach.
Playful, often noisy, activity.

Well, I guess they must define that as their way to seek enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.

Of course there is no requirement there has to be a category for deaf bloggers or any other group of bloggers. Wizbang can make their own rules and do whatever they want, including humiliating anyone they chose. But that doesn't mean that I have to participate in it.

I'm a tiny little speck in the ecosystem, so they can make fun of me too, insult me whatever. I'm sure I'm not going to change much or very few would even notice. But? I know and I'm tired of people doing this crap and just walking away from it.


Scott G said...

I wish they would make fun of me. For one, I could use the extra hits. But, I also just like to go after people who feel superior.

Unknown said...

lmao me4 - I don't even think they noticed this nor are they probably the type that even care.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

That's the same conduct thathas me switching to F.M. when Glenn Beck starts with his childish phone games with unsuspecting store clerks...

Even when you don't know you're being made fun of, you're still being made fun of...

Unknown said...

I don't listen to Glenn, but I hated that when Jonny D did that - it made me switch channels.

Scott G said...

You need to use more profanity to bait them.

Unknown said...

you know that's not me...I leave that to you, you are alot better at it than I am.


Heck, I almost changed "damn" to "darn"

Ridor said...

I'm surprised. A friend told me to check your blogsite. You should check what hearies attacked me on my blogsite. :-D


Scott G said...

Me, use profanity? I use strong adjectives, nouns, and verbs occasionally, but I avoid profanity.

historymike said...


It would be one thing to disagree with Ridor, but to mock him on a forum like that just proves Ridor's point.

This has nothing to do with being PC; this is just obnoxious and crude.

I am glad that you blasted them, Lisa. Perhaps Ridor could have worded the letter differently, but that does not give this group the right to publish.

Ridor might want to read the site's privacy statement. Perhaps the poster of the email violated terms of service. Courts are showing an increasing willingness to extend an expectation of privacy to emails; this is, I have to add, an evolving legal realm.

Unknown said...

Okay me4 I stand corrected - lol

Mike, it doesn't appear it did much, some of them have not only visited his blog but one larger blog in particular that you would think would know better, has made even more sport of the incident. What's saddest of all to me is that Ridor would feel my response is surprising, the majority should have responded in a similar way to what I did. Not the reverse.

To quote one of Emily's favorite expressions?

Mean people suck...

historymike said...

Agreed. Mean people really suck.

Scott G said...

I have decided that best deaf blog will be in my awards. Do I qualify since my mom is legally deaf and blind? They are my awards, so yes, I do qualify

Unknown said...

I'd say that qualifies you, and after all if you pattern yourself after the Weblog awards? You can make whatever rule you want and remember to tell people if they don't like it? Go have their own awards.


Ridor said...

Gawd. YOu guys should read malicious comments by hearies on my blog! It does NOT surprise me at all.

Good thing I have a legion of Deaf readers coming out to defend our group.

One hearie made fun of Holocaust survivors and attempted to compare them with us all. Goes on to say how much compassionate they can be.

Honest to God, my cuss at Kevin was insignificant in comparison with many malicious comments!


Unknown said...

Ridor, I do things differently than you do but given what I've seen on some of the same conservative blogs that were harrassing you? Your language wasn't that far out of what they do.

Some of them are also coming to your blog thanks to This guy who is in the bottom category of awards for the Ecosystem. He posted about you Here Page 6 on the Tuckermax.com board.

You also have been written about on Here From My vast right wing conspiracy, who is in the running for the 250 category.

So? They are having a field day playing superior. Just goes to show what jerks quite a few of them are.

They have a short attention span though so I'm sure another target will soon present itself, or they'll start turning on their own again which quite a few of them have already demonstrated.

I would point out, not all conservative bloggers are like them, I'm not a conservative but I have been very lucky to meet some that are actually adults that don't do this childish bs.

Anonymous said...

Ridor, could I interest you in a house by the airport?

Unknown said...


Heck, I may not have Bob Frantz commenting but I have Carty.

