Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Fiddling while Rome burns?

While the media and most everyone else on the blogosphere seems to be concentrating on either Alito, Cheney, Rove or Scooter several very important things are being missed. Buried in the back pages of several of the larger papers was this information as linked above:

WASHINGTON - The House Agriculture Committee approved budget cuts Friday that would take food stamps away from an estimated 300,000 people and could potentially cut off school lunches and breakfasts for 40,000 children.

The action came as the government reported that the number of people who are hungry because they can't afford to buy enough food rose to 38.2-million in 2004, an increase of 7-million in five years. The number represents nearly 12 percent of U.S. households.

Adding to this, last week Mike Oxley's amendment in the House passed on the Federal Mortgage Assistance bill that includes as a requirement that any non-profit organization that has involved themselves in any election process in the past year, even something as simple as helping voters to register, cannot receive funding to help build/assist the poor with housing.

The budget cuts are in response to the government trying to come up with money to help hurricane victims. However what form of logic being used here to take away from those who already do not have enough escapes me. Rather than cut pork, such as bridges to Alaska, or to make cuts in numerous other places before cutting this type of aid? This is what is sliced first. Where is the outcry? Where are the Democrats on this one? Where was the media attention on the Oxley amendment?

Fitzmas is over, Alito will in all probability be confirmed and? The poor will keep getting poorer and no one will seem to notice because by then? It will be too late.

UPDATE: As Gary posted in the comments here, the Senate Judiciary Committee is ready to attempt to advance a newly minted, and renamed faith-based initiative that we all know as the Anti-Gay Amendment to the United States Constitution. They now call it the: "Marriage Protection Amendment." He is asking that you call Arlen Specter who is the head of the Judiciary Committee and urge him to stop or oppose this from leaving the committee. Also contacting your State Senators should be done incase this does leave committee. Specter's Washington Office is: (202)-224-4254. More information is available on Gary's blog.


PridePress said...

Hi Lisa Renee...

They are at it again!

The right-wing members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to move the "Marriage Protection Amendment" out of committee.

Arlen Specter can stop this.

I have the details on my page. Please call him! And feel free to link and share whatever you want from my post.


Jonathan said...

I'm not in favor of gay marriage, though civil unions don't bother me in the slightest.

Having said that...

I am 100% categorically and unambiguously AGAINST a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage or otherwise defining marriage! I understand the need to reign in liberal judicial activism, but amending the Constitution with crap like this doesn't help and isn't the way to go about it.

I mean, are we going to amend it everytime there's an unfavorable court ruling? This is freakin' ridiculous!

Scott G said...

It is because we have learned so much and see poverty in a different light now. And apparently what we have learned is that if we don't help people eat or provide health care, they may die before the next tragedy and we won't have to worry about them.

Liberal judicial activism? Is that like the Liberal Media? A farce to keep conservatives from being questioned for fear of being called biased

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

”…and could potentially cut off school lunches and breakfasts for 40,000 children.”

This is troubling. One of the most cost-effective things that we, as Americans, can do to give the children a head start at a better education and a better future is to make sure that they are fed and alert in class. Cutting children’s meals is counterproductive… Taking away food stamps to help hurricane victims, that is also hard to justify.

However, on the flip side, America is a nation of fat people, even our poorer citizens…

”However what form of logic being used here to take away from those who already do not have enough escapes me."

Obviously this is bureaucratic think. The word “logic” is a misnomer.

”The poor will keep getting poorer and no one will seem to notice because by then? It will be too late.”

The only real hope for the poor is education, reformed and proper education. And, since knowledge is power…

My thoughts on the "Marriage Protection Amendment:"

I don’t care what anyone does between consenting (and “of age”) adults. They should also both have the same benefits as married adults. However, their relationship and commitment should NOT be called marriage. Call it a domestic partnership, a committed relationship, or something else suitable, other than a marriage.

I believe that the term marriage should only be applied to traditional male/female commitments, as it has been for many centuries. I feel that this one simple thing would smooth the way to wide acceptance, instead of causing resentment.

Calling their relationship a marriage seems to be an “in your face” way of irritating the very people they seek acceptance from.

Unknown said...

HT, I realize not everyone supports the idea of gay marriage or even civil unions for gays. That said though, a federal amendment to define marriage is further meddling in the lives of state voters who should have the right to chose. While there are some issues with that especially when a person moves to a different state that could be handled without this amendment. That's why I feel so strongly about it.

The food stamp program really bothers me especially given they can magically come up with money for the bird flu "emergency" there will be children that are now getting breakfast and lunch that will no longer get it and the numbers have been growing so cutting aid to that program does not make sense. Hopefully we can ramp up foodbanks privately because if this passes? People are going to need Second Harvest and similar organizations even more.

Jonathan said...

Hooda, I'm with you 100% on the marriage thing. And I agree with you, Lisa, that it's federal meddling, which is rarely productive or desirable.

Me4, we're gonna have to agree to disagree on the liberal media thing. Even Lisa knows there is a clear and distinct liberal bias in the MSM, and with all due respect, only a boob wouldn't (not "can't", but "won't") be able to see it. The Media Research Center and Newsbusters.org have reams of documented evidence.

Unknown said...

I do believe there is bias in the media, we have talked about that and I have agreed when it was obviously liberal bias. That doesn't mean all bias is liberal though. Both sides at times seem to have problems with facts but then we all realize that is because they want to promote their own agenda. The print media is fairly mixed, talk radio is more conservative and tv seems to be more of a liberal focus with the exception of Fox. That's why I think all of us agree relying on one source of information limits us. If I read only the Washington Post, I'd have a skewed view. If I only listened to Rush I'd have a skewed view.

The problem is the people who don't do what we do. That rely on only one or two sources.

I think we all know some on both sides of the spectrum.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


I (and many others) only have a problem with the word marriage, not civil unions or any other description.

If we could get away from calling it gay marriage, I (we) would have no problem with it.

It's almost as if they were picking a fight or something.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The term marriage is already in use, and has been for centuries, please use another term and then, let's all get along...

Can't we all get along?

To play the Devil's advocate on food stamps, why do people always seem to have cash for beer, wine, cigarettes, and lottery tickets?

Because they have food stamps for every thing else.

I understand that not all do but, sometimes it seems like it...

Unknown said...

HT, some abuse the system same with unemployment, workman's comp and welfare, heck some do with taxes. But like you said, some do really need it and don't abuse the system. Part of human nature for some I guess, they always want something for nothing. By cutting that many people with the numbers growing? Some that need it aren't going to get it while some will still have it that might abuse it. I don't know the solution for that one.

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