Monday, October 17, 2005

Who has an answer for him?

"It's a dirty shame," Mr. Lesniewicz told Mr. Ratajski. "What did we do wrong? What did we ever do to them? It's just not right."

Jimmy Carter once stopped by Jim and Lou's Bar. So did former Ohio governor Richard Celeste and former U.S. Sens. John Glenn and Howard Metzenbaum.

They made sure, during campaigns past, to pay their respects to Lou Ratajski and his old-time bar in North Toledo, where former U.S. Rep. Lud Ashley was a regular.

He was home, just before 2 p.m., when his nephew Terry Rybczynski spirited him away. Moments before, a mob had started looting the American Petroleum convenience store across the street.

"[Mr. Rybczynski] said we better get you out of here," Mr. Ratajski said his nephew told him when the looting started at the convenience store. "I went to his house. He did the right thing. He probably did save my life because I don't know what would have happened if I would have stayed."

Mr. Ratajski was surrounded by family and friends yesterday as they tried to salvage political memorabilia, some of it from the early 1900s.

Not only did this man lose his business and the neighborhood a place they gathered, but an important piece of our history was also destroyed. I'll never forget turning on Foxnews and seeing those gangs of idiots destroying Lou's Bar.

I also wonder about the claim now that if the NSM tries to come back to Toledo they will stop them in court. How exactly is that supposed to happen? If they could not prevent them from marching down a street Saturday what is different now? You can't change the constitution just because some of our residents did not respond the right way to this. What this type of challenge does is create a situation where they WILL come back. If nothing else because of the potential for increased publicity. Why not just say HEYYYY BILL come on back!!! Because that is what the City is doing by throwing down this as a challenge for the future. Haven't we learned anything?


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Haven't we learned anything?"

I'm afraid not...

The only way to beat the Nazis is to NOT play their games.

Sadly, the concept of denying these crazies an audience cannot be fully understood by all.

I would have loved to have seen Billie boy and his clones marching, saluting, and speechifying to the media and no one else.

That picture on and for the national news just might put an end to the media covering of these Nazi "non-events."

After that non-exposure, how long would such hate groups expect to thrive, let alone survive?

Unknown said...

That's why I think it is a huge mistake for the Mayor or the Chief of Police to announce "next time they will stop them in Court".

Not only does it give the impression that the NSM did not have a legal right to show up but it encourages another "visit" to Toledo when they need some more publicity.

historymike said...

Difficult questions. I have no answers today, except to say that White and his ilk have masterfully duped this city into self-destructive behavior.

Unknown said...

Matt, you wanna bet by next week it's over 100?


M A F said...

Hello Lisa,

History Mike is correct, the city and the anti-racists were masterfully duped by White and his small group of stuperior thinkers.

The best way to react to these various Nazi groups is to ignore them. Let them have their parade. The rioting served to validate their stuperior beliefs. If not for the counter protestors (rioters) the march or whatever you want to call their gathering would have been three lines of type in the local paper.

historymike said...

I have several contacts in TPD, and I provided my contacts with advance information on the talk I was hearing on the street.

Was it taken seriously? You be the judge.

Bob Frantz, Scott McKimmey and I were the only people in the media who took this seriously last week; most of the other media were doing the sort of lightweight "look-at-the-kooks-who-are-coming-to-town" instead of talking about the potential for violence in a neighborhood.

Typical. Gotta get that quick sound bite instead of a serious discussion of the issues.

Most of the media spent their time hanging around the cops on Saturday, instead of traveling to where the residents and protesters were.

My gosh, we can't get too close to real people! They might...touch us or something!

The irony is that it was much more dangerous to stand by the police. First, you might catch a chunk of concrete aimed for the cops, and you might also be mistaken for being an undercover cop.

I walked freely among the crowd and was never bothered. People were surprised that the media would come into the neighborhood. For part of the riot I even had my laptop out and caught a wireless signal. No one hassled me, and a lot of kids were intrigued by a goofy white guy trying to tap out an update as tear gas swirled around.

(whoops - I keep shooting myself in the foot with my slams on local media, but someone has to. Too many lazy, "phone-it-in" types in this town who would rather rewrite a faxed press release than to actually pound the pavement)

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

You sir, are a threat; to the police and to the media.

And, your reporting upsets the status quo for them both.

The rest of us however want to see/hear more!

(How is the book coming?)(Hint, hint…)

Unknown said...

Too many lazy, "phone-it-in" types in this town who would rather rewrite a faxed press release

That is so true and applies to outside of the city as well.

I also vote for book if you are keeping track...


Scott G said...

They will come back because they got what they wanted. Attention and press. As hard as it is, you have to ignore the bastards. They won this round because they not only got a reaction, but other people did the work of violence and destruction for them

Unknown said...

I agree they will come back, Toledo is Bill White and the NSM's PR moment and probably will be again if people don't figure out that is not the right response.

Sad thing is, as much as I don't agree with Bill or the NSM, they didn't force anyone into violence. People were not defending themselves, they allowed themselves to cross a line that was not necessary.

Cyberseaer said...

It was a sad day for you guys, and gals, in the Toledo area. Thank you Lisa for the play by play on the events unfolding as they happened. I hae seen lots of stupidty and destruction. I am glad that I did not witness this riot, nor watch it on the news. I got an ugly enough picture of what you wrote Lisa.

As for the Nazis coming back and they will be back. "You can't get something for nothing. You can't have freedom for free." ('Something for Nothing' from 2112) We all like the idea of free speech and to assemble when it is with people whose points of view we agree with. The true test of the First Amendment is to let those whom we do not like or want to hear from speak there views. Just because I like the color green and you speak of the great values of orange, that does not give me the right to hit you in the mouth to shut you up. We must let everyone speak.

I hate the Nazis like the next rational person, but we cannot give into our passionate emtions. We must bite our tounges and let the hatemongers speak and let them go away. Everyone agrees that the next time this glorified moroons come to town is to ignore them and make them look like the idiots that they are. They will think that they are right, but the world will know differently.

The greatest thing and the weakest thing of being human is our emotions. They are great when we use them to help others and serve the greater good. They can be our weakness when we leave them unchecked and act without thinking, like what happened when the Nazis were in your town. I pray that the next time the I-hate-everything-not-white-party comes back that everyone else goes on vacation so that the Ratzis will be talking in a ghost town.

Cyberseaer said...

It's offical. I talk too damn much.

Unknown said...

No, you don't, you have been busy so I look at is as you are catching up. You missed alot.


Unknown said...

sides C? psstttt you are writing not talking....



Cyberseaer said...

Ummm writing, yeah that's it. I just talk to myself as I type. ;)

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

”I just talk to myself as I type.”

Just as you know that the voice you hear is you talking to you…


Cyberseaer said...


Then who is that voice that answers me when noone is there? Damn. Radio is on again. ;)