Thursday, October 27, 2005

We want to know who the conduits are!!!

I give credit to Holland at Toledo Talk for first making this statement which I agree with.

Tom Noe has been indicted however there were 24 local republicans who then donated to the Bush campaign. All of them should be named and charged. There is no way anyone could have thought that was legal.

From the Blade article linked above:

The indictment also alleges that Noe wrote several checks in the amounts slightly less than the maximum allowable amount so as to avoid suspension. All together, Noe allegedly contributed $45,400 of his own money through 24 "conduit” donors, the prosecutors said.

Federal investigators also allege Mr. Noe made his friends and associates fill out contribution cards and forms falsely certifying they were making the contributions themselves.

So like Holland? I want to know who they are and before the Elections....


historymike said...

Great minds think alike, Lisa.

I wholeheartedly agree. We can try and guess some of the names, but the court sytem needs to release these names, especially those (BS?) who face the voters in less than two weeks.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"There is no way anyone could have thought that was legal." --Holland


And, after they have done their due diligence (read as: after the elections) the names WILL be released.

Call me a cynic, but that is what I expect.


The names will be released late on the Monday before the election...

Either way, that's how EVIL POLITICS is played now-a-days...

Unknown said...

If you read the Blade today it gives us some pretty good hints as to who quite a few of them are.

However, until we really know? Not much can be done but speculate. A few of them have stated they were given immunity.

I think it is really important that anyone running for election right now? Step up to the plate and admit it. Will that happen? Probably not.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I see that you're sipping the same "cynical" Kool-Aid that I am ;-)

historymike said...

Yes, the grand jury peeps are probably among the conduits, Lisa. You have a sharp mind, and did not miss the implication.

But us guessing is not the same as the gub-mint actually coming out and telling us.

We have a right to know, dammit.

And pass me that Kool-Aid.

Unknown said...

As long as it is lemon-lime

It's obvious some of those who testified are going to be the conduits and possibly the super conduits. We basically know who four were, since the Blade article states they were given immunity. So 20 left to go.

The sad thing? It was so stupid, they all knew it was illegal and if they really were such strong republicans why would they not donate their own money? If they truly believed in Bush they should not have to have been given the money to donate to him.


Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »