Tuesday, October 11, 2005

we don't likesss them nasty creaturesss

AP) -- Scientists digging in a remote Indonesian cave have uncovered a jaw bone that they say adds more evidence that a tiny prehistoric Hobbit-like species once existed.

The jaw is from the ninth individual believed to have lived as recently as 12,000 years ago. The bones are in a wet cave on the on the island of Flores in the eastern limb of the Indonesian archipelago, near Australia.

The research team which reported the original, sensational finding nearly a year ago strongly believes that the skeletons belong to a separate species of early human that shared Earth with modern humans far more recently than anyone thought.

The bones have enchanted many anthropologists who have come to accept the interpretation of these diminutive skeletons marooned on Flores with dwarf elephants and other miniaturized animals, giving the discovery a kind of fairy tale quality.

But a vocal scientific minority insists the specimens are nothing more than the bones of modern humans that suffered from microencephaly, a broadly defined genetic disorder that results in small brain size.


Researchers have so far unearthed remains from eight individuals who were just one metre tall, with grapefruit-sized skulls. These astonishing little people, nicknamed 'hobbits', made tools, hunted tiny elephants and lived at the same time as modern humans who were colonizing the area.

sooo maybe Bilbo did exist...well kind of

or? Maybe not


Another thing that no one can agree on.



Cyberseaer said...

If it is proven to be true, then the line from the cartoon version of Return of the King (which was grossly prevert from the book) that Gandolph said at the end, "Man will look back in time and ask, is there a little of Hobbit in me?" Cute line, but not in the original book. Not that I care, I was bored stiff with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The recent movies made it more alive for me. I just couldn't handle all the f---ing songs in the books.

But we will see if this is true or just another hoax that was set hundreds of years ago.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"...small brain size..., "...grapefruit-sized skulls...", and "hunted tiny elephants...

Nah, it's too easy, NOT gonna go there ;-)

Oh God, I REALLY want to...

Subcomandante Bob said...

Would you, dear Hooda Thunkit, be referring to the Roanoke Nazis with your comment?

They have small brains and grapefruit-sized skulls.

I'm not sure about the elephants, but they hunt Jews and blacks.

And they are kind of Hobbit-like (although they shave their hair)

Unknown said...

I think Bob just got an idea for his next piece.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Elephants as in Republican hunters...

So that would mean that they were _________.

Guambat Stew said...
