Sunday, October 16, 2005

Toledo will rise again....

We are not defeated as a City, nor are we destroyed. There was no bombing, no hurricane it was a moment of a group of people being stupid. Granted in the days to come there will be questions, accusations, etc. However at the end of it all? We can move forward or we can allow this to define us. Today we saw how easy hate feeds anger and violence.

It's going to be easy to pick targets to blame, that's already starting. Unfortunately it's not addressing who is really responsible. Every single person who comitted violence today. Every single parent who allowed their minor or young adult to be there today. We need to stop excusing their behavior. I don't care if they have "grievances", I don't care what they feel their justification was. There is NO justification for what happened today. They allowed a small number of the NSM to come in and prove that by the mere appearance of a few people dressed in hitler garb we could not control ourselves as a City.

So do we don the mourning clothing and cover ourselves in ashes or do we move on? I say we move on. Even though I must share some funny moments, yes there have been some funny moments thru out today's mess.

I can confirm beyond a doubt that Bob Frantz does pay attention to what I write here (yes Bob here is the promised teasing). I would be happy to "release" him from his rule anytime he wants that is open for negotiation - lol.

I discovered today that my user name elsewhere on the net including Toledo talk of psyche777 was considered a Klu Klux Klan name, evidently 777 is some Klan code - lol.

On Toledo Talk as well as many other places including historymike's blog where he writes about his experiences first hand, alot of us came together. For us as a normally very diverse group we agreed and we stood up to those who tried to throw in their hatefilled bs.

We have a choice Toledo, so let's do it right. I'm counting on you.


UPDATE: I did not realize when I wrote this that Frank Szollosi had stated his feelings on what he saw today. So, Here is Frank's take on today. I'm sure I will have a comment there but as I post this? I am doing so to make sure all I have read is presented.


Anonymous said...

I have a thought...CONSERVATIVISM!

Unknown said...


now if you said




Anonymous said...

As soon as i read about it being in Toledo, i knew where to turn. Thanks for the posts, Lisa.

I hope you are well.

Unknown said...

I am fine Steve, and Toledo will be too, though thanks to some of my more "forceful" bunch I do have Bill White's cell phone number.

Will he return my call? lol We'll see...It was a nice message.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

”…it was a moment of a group of people being stupid.”
Unfortunately, their stupidity has blackened the eye of all Toledo citizenry, because stupidity paints with a very wide brush.

”Today we saw how easy hate feeds anger and violence.”
Hatred for one group (the Nazis) transferred to others (the Safety Forces and the media).

”There is NO justification for what happened today.”
Any rational person knows that, but Saturday’s events were NOT the actions of rational people.

”I say we move on.”
I agree, but I’ll jrb will be flogging this dead horse for days…

”…talk of psyche777 was considered a Klu Klux Klan name, evidently 777 is some Klan code…“
Oh yes, especially because of the fact that “K” is the 11th letter of the alphabet. (Hence 777 equates to GGG, which is definitely code for the Klan.) :-?

”For us as a normally very diverse group we agreed and we stood up to those who tried to throw in their hatefilled bs.”
Yes we did. If only those gang members aren’t part of our online community; we might have had some influence on their actions if they were…

Our talking things out here had virtually no influence on Saturday’s events. Neither did the input of the perp’s parents, pastors or ministers, the media or civic leaders; the perps listened to no one’s words.

All-in-all a very frustrating day…

Jonathan said...

Incidents like this one in Toledo probably justify (in the pea-brained minds of those skinheads) the bigoted positions of the Klan.

"Hey, Bubba, didya see what them thar' black folk did? They looted and rioted, jest like you sed they wuz gunna do!"

Makes me ashamed to be bald (bald by choice, but bald nonetheless...I guess I need to update my avatar pic!).

Most incidents like this do bring together (even if only temporarily) people from diverse political ideological backgrounds.

Unknown said...

That's true Jonathan, thankfully here almost everyone has been civil, even Matt Jr.

It has not been the same on some of the other blogs.

I remember the race riots from when I was seven. It's one of those things you never forget. In comparison what happened yesterday was mild. Still just as unjustified, and I have a feeling the political ramifications to what happened Saturday will affect Jack Ford's re-election campaign. While I don't believe it's fair to blame him in total he does have some responsibility for what happened.

I am most pissed about what happened to the poor man who the NSM was supposedly coming here to "support". His home and his father's home sustained damage and his father was in the house while it was being attacked. Thankfully while he shot some warning bullets no one was hurt. That family will now go thru even more than they already have which to me is not something to be proud of or to try to attempt to declare this situation a "victory" as some of the NSM has. If the goal is really to help whites? They failed miserably as far as coming to his "aid".

Aaron said...

Hey Lisa, what is the 'Bob Frantz' rule you are alluding to?

Unknown said...

Bob said he didn't post on other people's blogs. I've teased him about it in the past so he directed a comment to me on historymike's blog.


Unknown said...

Should I be nice and not tease him? Maybe, but then that wouldn't be me. I think since it's obvious he reads other local blogs he should comment on them. (Which is why I said I'd be happy to drop the teasing if he wants to drop the rule).

I've posted on his blog and he's always been nice to me, heck we even have agreed at times.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Should I be nice and not tease him? Maybe, but then that wouldn't be me."

You're right, that wouldn't be you...
