Monday, October 31, 2005

The Token Woman exits...Enter Alito

After a brief moment of happiness by some Democrats that President Bush had selected someone they might be able to support now will begin the outcry against Alito. It won't matter in the end, because unless there is a problem with the Republicans as we saw with Miers? Alito will pass.

Even though there are many qualified women and minority candidates out there that could have been selected, Miers was the token woman offered up for a brief sacrifice so that a man could follow. Since I'm sure all over the blogosphere this will be discussed in great detail...Every little skeleton will come out of Alito's closet, every decision looked at with a finetoothed comb. The parade of groups testifying against his nomination will probably be similar to those who came out against Roberts. The parade for will probably not differ much either. Will the Democrats Fillibuster? Will the Republicans go nuclear? Or has it gotten to the point where hardly anyone but newsgeeks like me even care about it anymore? Those answers? Soon....


Update...I went to Kos and this to me demonstrates one of the main problems right now:

(Poster A) We only need 40 to filibuster and 51 to block the nuclear option, and we have one month to mobilize the forces. Very simple. Now, how to proceed? I am serious. This is the end, and this is the fight for which we have been waiting.

(Poster B) Effin Freepers...Are over there screaming FIGHT FIGHT! All they want is the nuclear option to go down. Why do freepers hate America?

In the interest of balance I went to Freerepublic...

(Poster C) ScAlito is a good pick. The democrats will hate him. Its "Farggin War!" time.

(Poster D) Typical government lawyer. No private practice experience? I'm not impressed.

Maybe..just maybe if people spent more time discussing what would make this country a better place rather than so much focus on what would piss off the other side or how to fight the other side? Or even trying to come to some kind of agree to disagree even within their own groups. We might be better off. This morning I am once again glad I am neither party.


Unknown said...

The stupidity is already staring, with some of the more extreme on the left claiming that Alito agrees to stripsearching of 10 year old girls. we go again with people commenting on tiny blurbs from other blogs without bothering to read what the case was actually about.

For those interested in facts rather than hype:

Here Alito is the only one who dissented which is the last several part of the pdf document.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Maybe..just maybe if people spent more time discussing what would make this country a better place rather than so much focus on what would piss off the other side or how to fight the other side? Or even trying to come to some kind of agree to disagree even within their own groups. We might be better off. This morning I am once again glad I am neither party."

There you go again, making sense...

How DARE you!

We have to fight!

Oh how I would like to shoot them all in the ass with darts dipped in common sense and civil discourse...


Unknown said...

lmao - how I wish there was something we could use like that.

Days like today are ones I decide I'm not going to get to involved on the other blogs. Nothing can be accomplished during the frenzy and they turn on their "own" who dare to speak common sense. Unless you have alot of time to waste it's better to wait until some rational thought re-appears.


Scott G said...

I am all for a fight, but I want it fair on both sides. Liberal groups shouldn't use stupid misquotes to claim this guy wants to allow sex between 6-year olds and monkees. And conservatives shouldn't talk about people deserving an up and down vote or fairness. Debate the qualifications and the issues, not the stupid stuff.

I still think that unless something big comes up, you can't stop him from getting confirmed. It is not the President's fault that abortion rights and other issues could be limited. He said what he wanted to do. It was the people who voted out of fear instead of thinking about the implications before voting who deserve what they get who are to blame

Unknown said...

I agree me4, and if there are credible reasons to not support Alito? I understand, just some of this bs when it's not even based on facts irritates me. No matter which side is doing it.

Scott G said...

People had their chance to think about the Court during the election but focused on other things. It is a little late to bring out the claws now

Anonymous said...

I find this comment neither reasonable nor common sense. First, am I to believe that Miers was nominated for the sole purpose of going down in flames? How utterly ridiculous. Miers was nominated because Bush, someone who has a demonstrable inability to take his job seriously, wanted Miers seated on the court. He neither wanted nor anticipated the conservative backlash. To suggest otherwise is just beyond silly and reveals a propensity to view Bush missteps as some sort of elaborate trick. You are a conspiracy theorist if you buy into that.

In this context, it is more than appropriate that bloggers and commenters view Bush's new nominee with healthy suspicion, particularly when this nominee has already demonstrated an extremist divergence with respect to reproductive health issues.

Sometimes the most extreme, the most disingenuous, and the most out-of-touch are those who, by seeking an elusive middle ground, refuse to engage in honest analysis.

-GN1927 from

Anonymous said...

People had their chance to think about the Court during the election but focused on other things. It is a little late to bring out the claws now

Please re-read the constitution and reconsider the role of the people, via senatorial representatives, during the nomination process. It might prove enlightening to you that a presidential election does not afford a president the "right" to seat whomever he/she wants on SCOTUS. Geez...


Unknown said...

I disagree, given that Bush did not replace Miers with another woman or a minority, Miers was a token attempt to meet the demands of those who wanted a female or a minority to replace Justic O'Connor. Was that his original intention in offering up Miers? None of us know that, but it is obvious whatever his initial plan failed.

Had he nominated Alito first the outrage would have been even more focused on the fact that he was not only not a woman but not a minority.

It's not being a conspiracy theorist to realistically look at something that did not make common sense (which was nominated Miers in the first place) and attempt to put it into context.

Unknown said...

I'd also suggest you read the constitution, a President can nominate whoever he wants. It does not guarantee they will be confirmed by the Senate, however given the current situation with a Republican Majority? Unless you have someone like Miers it appears to be a done deal.

Unless Democrats either win the White House or a majority in the Senate or a third party enters to break the stronghold of the majority? There is no way to change this from continuing to happen.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, given that Bush did not replace Miers with another woman or a minority, Miers was a token attempt to meet the demands of those who wanted a female or a minority to replace Justic O'Connor.

Re-read this please. I'm near incredulous that someone who named a blog "common sense" would seriously advance this theory. Again, Bush nominated Miers because he wanted her seated on the Supreme Court. Because Reid hinted at bipartisan support for her nomination, he thought she would be seated. He did not expect, enjoy, or appreciate the conservative backlash. To assert otherwise, again, shows a propensity to imagine missteps and mistakes are instead elaborate schemes. Just ludicrous. Were Bush's only consideration race and sex, he clearly could have nominated Brown. He didn't.

The Alito nomination is a clear, transparent attempt to placate the right wing with an overt antichoicer who shows some hostility to privacy rights.

It's amazing the logical contortions and pretzel twists you are advancing to avoid conceding the obvious. Your theory is an extremist reading of these events.

Anonymous said...

however given the current situation with a Republican Majority? Unless you have someone like Miers it appears to be a done deal.

Yeah, let's see if the GOP majority, severely handicapped by Bush's last nomination and a current nominee who is well outside of the mainstream, has the stomache (or even the power) to push Alito through.

And thanks for modifying the argument that a President should get to seat who he/she wants merely by virtue of an election. At least you are conceding this connection to reality...

Unknown said...

I agreed with me4 however he is the one who made the second comment you referred to.

Again, I will state to you that is what Miers has become, the token woman. Was that the original intention? We don't know that, however it is the end result. That is where the title stems from. There were others who stated this was the plan from the beginning, I did not agree with them until Miers withdrew. I'm still not sure however, my original statement of her being a token woman at this point is one I believe.

Most of the people who read here on a regular basis were involved in those earlier discussions here and on watchblog. I should have made that more clear for those like you who are new to here.

I do still however disagree with you on Alito. Nor do you have to agree with what I feel is common sense. It's obvious we are coming at this discussion from different points of view. I see this is a pointless waste of time and I feel the constant misrepresentation of Alito's cases contributes to a growing lack of creditability on the left. I see some of the exact same tactics many decried used against Kerry used or suggested by Democrats.

You may believe in those who say win at any cost, but I don't. Am I too idealistic at times? Perhaps but I temper that with reality and the reality here is? Alito will be confirmed unless something dramatic happens during his hearings which is very unlikely.

Anonymous said...

Again, I will state to you that is what Miers has become, the token woman. Was that the original intention? We don't know that, however it is the end result.

Perhaps, to those who decry affirmative action yet seem obsessed with the notion of quotas, the Miers nomination will be viewed as tokenism. Flaw of the right, and of obsessive anti-multiculturalists.

I see this is a pointless waste of time and I feel the constant misrepresentation of Alito's cases contributes to a growing lack of creditability on the left.

Absurd. "The left" didn't advance two consecutive unacceptable nominations for SCOTUS. Please let the blame lie where it is most appropriate: with those who would play games with an institution such as SCOTUS.

You make blatant assumptions and baseless attacks, yet when your own theories and arguments are unpackaged, it seems as if you are the one who fails to accurately grasp the obvious. I'm sorry that you are unable to continue to defend your positions; unsurprised, but sorry nonetheless. I only ask that you not ascribe this failure to the boogeyman of liberalism.


Unknown said...

I'm not the one making baseless attacks. Democrats at this juncture are using misinformation to fight Alito. Republicans do exactly the same thing. I never claimed liberalism is to blame, it is the extreme portion of both the right and the left that causes this credibility issue that the rest of us are left forced to deal with.

You can't dispute the fact that misinformation is being spread by the extremes, you cannot dispute the fact that Republicans do hold the majority in the Senate. However you can nit pic my reason for my post title that has been explained to you and ignore all of the facts to attempt to slam my intelligence or to falsely claim I can't support my own opinions. I've done that very clearly.

Republicans and affirmative action have nothing to do with the Democrat as well as other groups who expressed the desire that O'Connor be replaced with another woman. You have no more knowledge as to the reasons Bush selected Miers than I do. As also stated before there was prior discussion by others who felt Miers was a temporary pawn. Apologizing for not making that clear to new visitors is not lack of support for my position, it's called being civil.

Liberalism is not what the extreme left is doing. That is not the true definition of what liberalism is. Nor have I ever claimed it was Liberalism that is at fault here. It is lack of information as demonstrated by what is happening in regard to citing cases by Alito without bothering to have the information, lack of information in realizing the power the President has in selecting who will be a Justice and lack of information by those who chose to attack or attempt to belittle those who realize to let this issue become the focus is a mistake.

If you want to participate in the remake of the John Roberts confirmation with the end result being Alito is confirmed? Good luck. I'll continue to focus on trying to be accurate and to point out to people what else is happening that is just as vital. Speaking of which, while you were here, did you make note of the above post asking for calls to Specter's office?

While I understand the importance of Supreme Court appointments I also realize the reality of the situation and the games involved in politics. The Democrats will bluster the Republicans will bluster back and it will be over. As long as we continue to allow these two parties to represent us with no competition? It shall remain like this.

Scott G said...

I agree with me too. One of Bush's issues that he used in more conservative areas was that he wanted justices like Scalia and Thomas. Odds were pretty good that at least one person would leave the bench during his second term.

I do understand the Constitution. I have a copy of it at home in a book that was published in 1865. I can't open it, but I know what it says. At least what the version of the Constitution I have says. I don't know about the King James version :)

Unknown said...

I think I have that one too


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