Friday, October 28, 2005

Take off the political blinders...

or why I'm not celebrating Fitzmas....

Yes, Scooter was indicted, but not for outing Plame. So while on the left some are claiming "five bells on the fitzmas tree" and other silliness a few are stating Bush will just pardon Libbey anyway. Realistically that might end up being what happens to Tom Noe too, after all he was such a good Republican, he could very well be pardoned before President Bush leaves office.

Which is causing a general round of outcry as if this has never been done before. At times I wonder if most of these people on the left are too young to remember back to 2001. Or have not learned anything about our political history and some pretty big pardons that have happened.

Here is a list of Pardons that President Clinton did before he left office.

Here is a list of some of the more "noteable" pardons other presidents have given. Just to mention a few:

Oscar Collazo (Truman, 1952; commuted death sentence to life imprisonment for attempting to assassinate President Truman in 1950)

Jimmy Hoffa (Nixon, 1971; commutation)

Richard Nixon (Ford, 1974)

Tokyo Rose (Ford, 1977)

G. Gordon Liddy (Carter, 1977; commuted sentence for Watergate break-in in 1972)

Oscar Collazo (Carter, 1979; clemency for attempting to assassinate President Truman in 1950)

Patricia Hearst (Carter, 1979; commuted sentence for armed robbery)

W. Mark Felt and Edward Miller (Reagan, 1981; clemency for authorizing FBI agents to break into Vietnam protestors' offices without warrants)

Albert Alkek (Reagan, 1987; clemency for withholding information from federal officials regarding an oil price-fixing scheme)

Caspar Weinberger (Bush, 1992)

Many feel President Clinton went on a Pardon/Clemancy spree. So before the hand wringing and the further bashing of those dastardly Republicans goes full tilt? Please Democrats remember....people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw bricks.

Then remind yourself this is another good reason to have a stronger independent force in Washington.


Scott G said...

They all do it, but Bush pardoning Libby would make it appear that there was a cover-up that went to the top. They would need the next guy to do it to avoid damaging Bush's legacy, such as it is

Unknown said...

Clinton pardoned a few that were connected to him and it didn't damage his legacy. I think it depends on who is elected. If a Republican is elected you might be right. If a Democrat is elected it's less likely, though Carter did pardon Liddy...

They know what you and I know, most people will forget about it. They make a huge deal about it then? Forget it and move on to the next scandal.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Yep, Politics as usual...

Looks like pardons have become more of a TRADITION...

Don't worry about the used car salespersons; definitely do watch out for the politicians though...

Cyberseaer said...

Wouldn't it be great if Bush just said screw it and let all the people in jail that helped become president just live out their sentences.

By the way lisa, what legacy will Clinton have, other then being the on the receiveing end of oral sex? What did he really do in his eight years? And does doing nothing noteworthy make for a "great" president? Just throwing this out for discussion.

historymike said...

If somebody takes the fall, you can bet they worked out a deal in advance.

It will be cash, pardon, future jobs, or all of the above.

Libby et al are not stupid. They will get taken care of in some way for taking the fall.

Unknown said...

C, my way of looking at it was if Bush has a legacy than Clinton did.


One thing I can think of immediately is Clinton helped to reform the way Welfare was.