Sunday, October 30, 2005

Spring Ahead..Fall Whacked...

I hate daylight savings time. My body and my watch tell me it is 9:55 as I sit down to type this, yet my little computer clock that has been sucked into this, states it is 8:55.

The only time daylight savings time had any benefit at all was when I was younger and was partying at Dixie Electric Company or one of the other Toledo hot spots and we could drink for an extra hour that one night a year.

Rather than eliminate this farce, Congress has extended it.

With passage of the new Energy Policy Bill, daylight savings time will be extended, starting 3 weeks sooner in March and ending 1 week later in November than it does now.

However this whole "gain" an hour is bunk. The hour you go forward in the spring, goes back in the fall. Supposedly this saves money on energy...does that mean that the people of Indiana who smartly say NOOOOO THAN YOUUUU to daylight savings time pay more in energy costs? (Well it appears Indiana isn't so smart, they will be joining the rest of us in this stupidity on April of 2006)

Or? Daylight Saving Time is NOT observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Eastern Time Zone portion of the State of Indiana, and by most of Arizona (with the exception of the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona). Do they all pay more in energy costs?

Studies done in the 1970s by the U.S. Department of Transportation show that America's electricity usage is reduced by about one percent during each day that daylight savings time is in effect. (This was from Here)

No new studies since then? Being the ever curious me I just went to about twenty different websites that explain the "benefits" of Daylight Savings Time and all of them refer to the US Department of Transporation Study, though some aren't honest enough to list it was done back in the 1970's. Even Australia is using this study as a reason to promote it.

Some credit Benjamin Franklin with this idea. This just goes to show you not everything Ben Franklin thought of was a good thing.

I end this with a quote I found on a message board while searching for info on Daylight Savings Time by Kaiser:

Daylight Savings Time is archaic.

I firmly believe it's why aliens haven't made contact with us yet. They know we're here, but are too busy laughing and pointing at us twice a year


historymike said...

I swear I am not reading your blog first, Lisa, but I have a DST/EST-themed post today, too.

I focused on the weather and my dog, though.

Unknown said...

lol - see I focused on how much I hate the time change.

I still haven't found any new research since that study from the 70's. So this whole thing could very well be based on a farce.


Cyberseaer said...


Are you telling us that you will want to deny the youth of today and tomorrow the chance to drink an extra hour a year? Just because your all night beer nights are behind you doesn't mean that others shouldn't have that extra sixty minutes of drinking. That is is wrong. lol

I thought that daylight savings time was to give the farmers extra light to farm and make more money. So the little inconvenience of changing our clocks twice a year did have some meaning to me. But now that most farms are more efficent with modern machines to help the farmer, or I should say the coporate farmland owner, daylight savings time does seem a bit silly today. Hey, if we keep it or not, I can roll with it.

On the note of history, Ben Franklin was on the right track with DST for his time. (Ref above paragraph) Just because times have changed and things have become easier through machines, doesn't mean his idea was bad and flawed. It was good up until maybe 30 years ago. Very few ideas last the span of time and there a quite a few ideas he came up with that are still good today. Sorry to come to a down note, but the man was a great thinker and did alot more good than a lot of us could do today. Plus that musuem of his in Philly just kicks ass. :)

Unknown said...

Yes, Philly is awesome to visit period inclulding the museum. Daylight savings time to me is like the hamsters are for you....luckily? I only have to deal with it twice a year.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Daylight Savings Time makes more sense to people located in the middle or eastern portions of the time zone.

We at the west end of the zone don't realize as much of a benefit.

I much prefer adopting G.M.T. for the whole country, with none of the silly time changing nonsense.

Regarding an extra hour of drinking time, that's the hour they stole from you in the spring.

It also makes working the 3rd shift interesting, twice a year...

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