Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sparkle Socks

I am funny about my socks, I hate plain white socks but socks have to be soft and comfy too. I used to always wear socks that sparkled, cotton not nylon, never ever wool. Every year at Christmas I would get socks in my stocking. It was a tradition continued with my children. They had to be "special" socks not your ordinary ones. That's how I got my first pair of sparkle socks when I was about ten and it continued. Now they are almost impossible to find all they have is nylon blends with sparkles when you can even find them which are scratchy; I still have one pair from those days, knee socks even that I try to keep Aubrey from stealing since she feels these black socks with silver sparkles are neat.

After many times of searching for that perfect sock and finding them not to be soft or cool looking, with most of them ending up going to one of the kids I finally found some socks almost as awesome as the sparkle ones. FUZZY socks! I bought mine at Meijers because they are alot cheaper (on sale two for $9.00) than Joy of Socks has them (yes there is a webstore just for socks linked above).

Meijers also has more colors, and patterns even... Yes I am concentrating on socks because I don't even want to think about what's happening in the Lions vs Ravens game. Cept to say some of the WORST officialing I have ever seen has caused some pretty emotional behavior from the Ravens. (Yeah I picked the Ravens and there is NOOO way on that fourth and goal play that the Lions scored)


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Sorta like miniature shag carpet for your feet?


Unknown said...

Yes they are, and a good way to take my mind off of how badly the teams I picked today played..

I seriously screwed up by picking Miami I should have stuck with my "if you don't pick them they will win" theory.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Reverse logic often mocks those who think they have it figured out :-)

You can't win.

And, winning is only an illusion.

Unknown said...

Yes...there is no spoon....


However, the illusion of winning does earn me cash if my illusion beats the others in my football pool.

historymike said...

Soory about your football prognostications, Lisa.

My Lions won a weird game yesterday.

Nice socks, by the way...

Unknown said...

Mike, I'm happy for you that the Lions won, but man that officiating was questionable yesterday. Especially that one touchdown call, it did not look like the line was crossed at all. However the Ravens blew it by getting so over-emotional about it. It got to the point I was laughing when another penalty was called against them..."WHAT!! Another penalty?" Just keep the flag out guys you're gonna need it...

I no longer have to worry about being in first place - not after yesterday...all I can hope for is to not be in last place - lol

But I do have cool socks, so it could be worse.


Cyberseaer said...

Socks, huh? Must be a girl thing. I like my white filled with holes socks. The holes are my vents.

The Lions beat the Ravens. Great. Knowing that the Ravens have only beaten the Jets so far makes me not happy. But at least I have the solice that the Ravens beat up on a unproven third string QB. Now that Vinny is back and he looks in control, things will be back to winning. Oops, I forgot I wasn't on the Pats message boards. Just ignore the man behind the curtain.

Unknown said...

lol - I've never been a fan of Vinny but I do have to admit he has had quite a career.

I wish you could have seen that game, I have never seen so many flags or players thrown out of a game in recent times. Granted some of the calls were really bad and I hope that head ref gets booted from the NFL but, the Ravens really lost control.

historymike said...

I agree, Lisa.

I have no idea how the Lions, as inept as they have been on offense all year, found a way to put up 35 points against what was a stifling Ravens D.

But a W is a W is a W.

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