Thursday, October 27, 2005

Next stop State Auditor?

and your Lisa morning update...

In the continuing "fluff" pieces the Blade is writing about the candidates for Toledo City Council today was Frank Szollosi's turn. I'm not sure how long Frank was with the reporter, but it doesn't suprise me that Frank is eyeing moving beyond City Council.

Like four of his five at-large counterparts, Mr. Szollosi is up for re-election (council President Louis Escobar is not running). Unlike the rest of them, however, he spends much of an interview talking not about his City Council run, but about the possibility he may run for a state office next year.

On a personal note? If I could participate in this election? There are only two City Coucilpersons running for re-election that I would vote for and Frank is still one of them.

In other political/election news from Today's Blade (Yes I read it so you don't have to - lol)

Three For Change gets some coverage from the Blade and gives some information about their plans. Their website is not listed for some reason in the Blade so Here it is.

Tax Returns by both Mayoral candidates and Phil Copeland and a partial release by Bob McCloskey are listed. (I wonder why Bob didn't release 2003).

Cary complains about mudslinging and Megan Vahey gets pithy. Megan's also been the topic of discussion on Bob Frantz's Blog, where even Maggie Thurber reads and comments.

For those keeping track of the "coveted" (hahaha) Lisa endorsement?
Frank Szollosi, Dave Schulz, Robert Vasquez, Mark Sobczak, Karen Shanahan and George Sarantou. That's four Democrats (though only one of them is endorsed by the "real" Lucas County Dem organization, but I'm not a Democrat nor do I think no matter how loyal I was I could vote for the other two that are endorsed)and two Republicans.

If anyone has another site for Mark Sobczak please let me know. I do have to say that the "real" Lucas County Dem site could use some work. The "other" Lucas County Dem site is alot better done and has more candidate info. I mean come on guys even the Republican Party site looks better than yours....


historymike said...

I had problems with the Blade piece on Frank Szollosi.

The entire focus of the article seemed to be on Frank's aspirations for higher office.

While I do not doubt that Frank is thinking down the road (he's too bright to stay a councilman forever), I highly doubt that he and Vanessa Winans spent over half of their talk on future political plans.

I have met Frank on more than a few occasions, and have had numerous conversations with him, and I have never once heard him speculate about the future.

It seems to me that the writer (or an editor) parsed the interview down - for unknown reasons - to paint Frank as a political opportunist in this article.

Do I agree with Frank on everything? No. Do some of his views rankle me? Sure?

But do I think that he has Toledo's best interests at heart? Most definitely.

Unknown said...

I hadn't either Mike, granted I have not had any personal discussions with Frank so while I had the impression he would move up and out of Toledo politically that suprised me as well.

That's why I stated I wasn't sure how much time Frank spent with her, if it's not accurate? I'd like to know. She stated clearly the majority of the conversation was about his future political plans. Was it because that is the focus of the questions she asked?

One wonders....

Unknown said...

As an added after thought, I don't always agree with Frank either, and at times I find his anti-cartyism a bit too much. However, he does put alot of time into being a City Councilperson and he does appear to genuinely try to do what he feels is best for the City. I've noted to him in the past that while I think his loyalty to Jack Ford is commendable that I'm concerned it could come back to haunt him. I'm looking forward to these elections being over so that whoever wins as Mayor things can move beyond what is happening right now, or at least try to move beyond it.

liberalprogressive said...

great blog. my first time here. i don't know much about ohio politics, despite the fact that i lived there for 3 years many, many moons ago, but its nice to get an insiders view.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting me and you have a very good blog as well.


Unknown said...

Well, now that Noe's been indicted, might be an interesting newsday tommorrow...


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Well at least you got 2 of your Council picks right ;-)

Seriously the sheeple will only put 1 or maybe 2 new faces on Council; don't wanna change things too fast... :-(

I hope Dave makes it, but I wouldn't bet on it...

Unknown said...

I know HT, but I'm hoping Toledo voters don't follow the tradition this time. I keep hearing everyone say they want change, now is their chance.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

That's what I've been thinging for the last 3 election cycles.

Still waiting...

Sigh :-(

The sheeple remind me ( a lot) of a stagnant pond.

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