Saturday, October 08, 2005

Jaws...Return of Nicole

I thought this was a cool story:

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A great white shark has astounded scientists by swimming from South Africa to Australia and back in a journey that sheds new light on the murky world of the ocean's most feared predator.

In the first transoceanic and longest ever recorded trip by a shark, Nicole swam an astonishing 12,400 miles -- and experts reckon she did it for love.

Nicole's long swim suggests the South African and Australian populations have far more interaction than previously thought and may not be entirely separate groups.

She also did it in just under 9 months -- which the WCS described as "the fastest return migration of any swimming marine organism known."

"We actually know very little about these things," said Bonfil.

Bonfil attached a satellite tag to Nicole's dorsal fin on November 7, 2003. She spent some time in South African waters before embarking on her journey.

On a pre-recorded date, it detaches and floats to the surface, where its data are transmitted via satellite.

"Although Nicole took frequent plunges to depths as great as 3,215 feet -- a record for white sharks -- while crossing the Indian Ocean, she spent most of her time, 61 percent, swimming along the surface," WCS said.


Unknown said...

yes...I kill spammers almost as fast as a great white....


Anonymous said...

That is a super cool story! I had no idea sharks could swim that deep!

Unknown said...

Josh, I didn't either, nor did I realize they could get that far that fast.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"...while crossing the Indian Ocean, she spent most of her time, 61 percent, swimming along the surface,"

Cruising for dates, I presume ;-)

What's the difference between a shark and a snark?

Unknown said...

YOu can jump the shark but you can't jump the
