Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's okay Toledo, it's all Bob Frantz's Fault...

I did comment on his blog but I wanted to expound on it further. This is not a Bill White post, since he's gotten enough attention. I said my thoughts on that on Bob's blog and I'm not going to beat a dead horse.

However, there are some things Bob is responsible for that I really feel should be addressed. Granted, Mike is partially responsible for part of this too but I'll deal with him another day. I know many of you may not want to hear this and I hope you still respect me after I am done. This was just too much for me to keep inside any longer...

I actually listened to Bob's program on Monday morning so that I could hear Mike. Yes, I think I am going to be okay. But it gets worse...I actually listened to not only the whole program but I didn't turn it off when Glenn Beck came on. Not only did I keep the station on to hear Bob Frantz on Glenn's show....I hope you are sitting down because this hard for me to admit....After hearing some of the people call in espouse such crap? I actually picked up the phone and called into Glenn Beck's show. Thank God, I was on hold long enough to come to my senses.

My reputation could have been ruined forever...See what kind of havoc you almost caused Bob Frantz? I hope you are happy...


UPDATE 11/14/05 - if you are looking for information on what happened to Bob's show go to the home page of my blog for current info.


Aaron said...

When I hear your voice on Savage Nation I'll know you lost it Lisa.

Unknown said...

lmao, if that happens? Cue the "they're coming to take me away haha hehe" music...


historymike said...

We still love you, Lisa.

It is good to hear different viewpoints, though.

I disagree with Frantz and Beck (not to mention Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest) on numerous issues, but if nothing else, listening to someone with whom I disagree helps me become a better debater.

And, honestly, Frantz is not a hard-right ideologue (especially if you take out 9/11, the war in Iraq, and immigration). If you listen, there is a real element of populism in his rhetoric that transcends mere partisan BS.

Frantz could be better if he built more bridges, especially with people like the A-teamers. It's OK to disagree, but he has pissed off some of them to the point where they won't go on air.

Then again, his show has to be entertaining. As a writer, I have to be less worried about this. People reading my work are reading for a reason, while Frantz has to appeal to people driving, working, or doing other things.

Beck can be really funny at times, but there are some issues where we are polar opposites, and I have to turn it off.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I have to turn Beck off whenever he's playing his phone games; really annoying...

The rest of the time the radio is on as background noise.

Those guys are all okay, in small enough doses...

Unknown said...

I used to listen to Bob alot, I just couldn't do it anymore. There was a time when I did on a semi-regular basis. I'm not sure if he became less centrist or if I just got tired of some of the callers. It was too frustrating and I found myself talking to the radio way too often.

I've never been a fan of Glenn, after my experience in seeing his show? Noooo Wayyyy. That was enough of him for me, thank you very much - lol. In person at the Andersons, he seemed very nice and his wife is gorgeous, but he caters to an audience that just isn't my cup of tea.

But I do agree we should always continue to look at other viewpoints. Thankfully the blogs have done that for me as well as print sources.

I'm glad you aren't too disappointed in me Mike. (lol)


Unknown said...

As you can see I still haven't gotten over the emotional trauma of realizing I would have much rather spent the money on seeing the Moody Blues.


Scott G said...

I blame Tom and Katie. Didn't they just buy a house there

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"It was too frustrating and I found myself talking to the radio way too often."

We have a 12-step program for that... [EEG]

Or, should I have said Vee have vays... ?