Thursday, October 13, 2005

The IRS and several Toledo City Councilpersons

Well, it seems that several of our current Toledo City Council persons are having some disagreement with the IRS and a few of them don't think the Toledo Blade has the right to ask them to submit to a criminal background check.

I can see requiring one if it is demanded by Ohio Law, however I don't think Candidates should have to give their Social Security numbers out to the media. I can also understand it is the process they take issue with rather than having something to hide. Given most of these candidates have lived in Toledo all of their lives if they did have a criminal history it would have been leaked/reported by now. I would not give my social security number to the Blade, if they asked to do a background check on me, so I can't fault those who are refusing. However I think we all know the Blade will make an issue out of those that are refusing (as they already are) trying to imply they have something to hide which is ridiculous given how easy it is to obtain court records/public information.

The IRS says Ms. McConnell Hancock owes $83,717. The IRS states $61,680 is owed by Mr. Copeland, additionally the state of Ohio wants $5,031 in taxes from him as well. Ms. McConnell Hancock said the IRS audited her law firm and herself last year and revaluated her income for 2001 and 2002. “They’ve obviously landed on the high side,” she said. She is disputing that, and her position is that it is not owed. “We’re in the process of a compromise,” Mr. Copeland said. “I’m willing to pay.”

Also "hot" news that historymike wrote about last night:

The Ohio Elections Commission today found probable cause in the case of Schulz vs. McCloskey, et al on the improper use of the term "re-elect" in McCloskey's campaign signs.

When I hear more from either Mike or the media reports on this I'll post it.

So things in Toledo? Getting a bit toasty.



Cyberseaer said...

Wow! Not only can't Ms. McConnell Hancock park legally, she doesn't know how much to pay the IRS. I'm sure it was an "honest" mistake. She is just one of the many examples of why people don't like lawyers and politicians; which are one in the same in many cases.

Plus, she is given the rest of us out of the Toledo area more entertainment. Doesn't she know how foolish she looks like to everyone?

historymike said...

I have some sympathy on the IRS thing, having been in the IRS crosshairs, but $80K is a lot of money to be "disputing."

Unknown said...

I was surprised it was her when I saw the headline. Between the parking incident, her husband being involved in a car accident and now the IRS? She's had a bad few months.

I still don't think she should be re-elected but stranger things have happened in Toledo. You do have a point C, at least if she is re-elected I'm sure she will at least provide us with some more interesting stories to follow.

Mike, I agree no one wants the IRS to go after anyone but both her and Phil seem to have some large amounts in question.

I still can't believe that many of them folded to the Blades demand for a criminal background. It was like HELLO...this is the local paper it's none of their business. I'm waiting for the drug tests to be next.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Fred covered all of these candidates on the afternoon show today.

Terry called in and explained his case well and Fred did cover Dutchess and Copeland with the "innocent until proven guilty" blanket, and did it with class.

"Innocent until proven guilty" has a little repeated corrolary:

"Where there's THAT much smoke..."

As for the local rag and financial/background checks:

They HAVE something on someone, and they chose this innocent looking ploy to "Discover and Reveal" whatever it is, bombshell-like.

If this "ploy" fails to do it, then they will get dirty and throw the bomb, probably on the Sunday before the election.

Even sneakier, throw da bomb on Monday just before the 6:00 p.m. news...

They're looking to politically "kill" someone.

My bet is on Carty...

Unknown said...

I don't think it's Carty, else it would have just focused on the two mayoral candidates and not City Council as well.

If what you are guessing is true? First don't know how they hid it, second? They'd be smarter to fess up before the Blade does it for them if there is something on one of them.

I'd bet there is nothing on any of them that the Blade is going to make their refusal into an issue. Subterfuge that they "must" be hiding something since they aren't willing to give the Blade their ss numbers.

If I'm right? I promise not to gloat to much....hehehe


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

All I know for sure is JRB HATES losing, and right now he is backing a lame dog.

Unknown said...

Oh I agree with you on that one HT, maybe it's me but I've sensed a more Carty friendly attitude from them recently.....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"I'm waiting for the drug tests to be next."

Hello, Mr. or Ms. Candidate, I'm from The Local Rag and I have this empty specimen jar here and I, actually JRB was wondering if you'd be so kind as to fill it while I stand guard at your bathroom door...

I COULD see that.

SHAME on you for giving the Philly Creep the idea though... ;-)

Unknown said...

Nope, I am blameless on this one, Terry gets the credit - lol

“I’d like to see drug tests of the candidates,” Mr. Shankland said. “I will give you a follicle. I will pee in a bottle.”
