Friday, October 07, 2005

I don't mean to be a trouble maker...

Yet I seem to be doing that more often as of late. Most of you know I was excited about Paul Hackett deciding he was going to run for office. I feel as many of you know that we need new people representing Ohio, that we need change. Paul Hackett inspires me which has not happened often in Ohio politics. So I was a bit disgusted to learn that after already announcing he was not going to run that Sherrod Brown has now announced he is going to run for the Senate. I am not sure if Hackett will run against Brown in a primary or if he will fold to the party pressure from those who feel he hasn't "paid his dues" and since Sherrod changed his mind Paul should say "Thank you sir can I have another" and walk away.

I've been lectured on several sites about my attitude toward Sherrod Brown, I am not dissing Sherrod Brown, he has made contributions, important ones for the state of Ohio. However he stated he was not running. Hackett did nothing wrong, he respectfully waited until all of those who were suggested for the Senate seat stated they were not going to run.

If Sherrod Brown is a man of his word and values honesty he will step down. If isn't? He won't. Ohio is watching you, Sherrod Brown.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"If Sherrod Brown is a man of his word and values honesty he will step down."

Surely you jest...

In politics, the way the big two parties play it, your word is but a sound bite, and lasts as long.

And, most politicians wouldn't recognize honesty if they woke up in bed with it, which is impossible because in this case, honesty and politics repel, not attract...

Jonathan said...

From my limited exposure to Sherrod Brown, he strikes me as a tad bit moonbatty. He won't win his party's nomination, and in the event he does, he'll get buried in the general election.

Unknown said...

I still have my moments of idealism HT...


Jonathan, he has done a good job for those he represents in his district. I don't think he can defeat DeWine but it does seem he has the support of the Democratic establishment...

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"I don't think he can defeat DeWine but it does seem he has the support of the Democratic establishment..."

And from some former Republicans (who have seen the light)...

Scott G said...

I just want Hackett to run because he is fun and outspoken. I am still looking for some senator to stand up on the floor during a debate and ask, "are you fucking stupid?"

historymike said...

I think Hackett could win big against DeWine.

Brown, no chance.

Unknown said...

I agree Mike and I think all of the bs I've been told about how Sherrod has "paid his dues" is bs...

The key should be to want to win nor does creating more division going to help either.

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