Monday, October 10, 2005

Home Depot and Day Workers

Maybe it's because we don't have as many workers who rely on this type of job to survive or maybe contractors/homeowners from this area don't hire day workers, whatever the reason? I was suprised to read the above linked article from the New York Times. It seems that day workers, many of them illegal immigrants gather each day at various Home Depots where they are hired by customers of the stores. Home Depot has enforced their no solicitation policy at several locations which has caused some of these men to be arrested.

What surprised me even more is that there are people that seem to feel that Home Depot should provide shelter/restroom facilities for those who gather at their stores looking for work.

From the article:

In California, a group called Save Our State has held protests at numerous Home Depots, asserting that the company has aided illegal immigration. But in Los Angeles, a city councilman has proposed requiring all new large home-improvement stores to build shelters that would provide day laborers with basic amenities like toilets and drinking water.

Here, in Austin, an immigrants' rights group is pressing Home Depot to stop threatening day laborers with fines and arrest and to allow a grassy lot behind one store to be used as a place for them to congregate.

In Austin, some homeowners and businesses say Home Depot should not foist its problems upon others by chasing the workers away, saying that the company should set aside part of its property for the laborers so that the daily tango between contractors and workers does not snarl the sidewalks and streets.

Under pressure from various communities in California, Home Depot has helped finance shelters and sites where laborers can gather at or near several of its stores, including in Woodland Hills, Monrovia and Glendale. The City of Burbank had required the company to build a shelter as a condition of opening a store, but then put the plan on hold because many residents complained that the city was catering to illegal immigrants.

So which is it? Home Depot has to provide for those who are looking for work or by helping them they are aiding illegal immigration? Seems to depend on where you live as to how that is looked at. Personally I don't think Home Depot is responsible. Perhaps the contractors/homeowners in those areas that hire these men should create a system since it seems they are the real issue, if they didn't hire the workers? They would not come.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

What do you think would happen if Home Depot (for a fee) acted as a broker for the aliens?

I'm betting that there would be an outcry for Home Depot to supply family health care and contribute to a pension plan for them.

And, then the illegals would discover Workman's Comp. and disability.

Yer damned if you do, and damned if you don't...

Unknown said...

I wonder what would happen if instead of arresting the illegals they arrested those who hired them.

That to me is the center of the whole issue, if people didn't hire illegals then they would not come here. It really hurts those contractors who hire legal workers as they have to price their jobs higher to pay legal wages. If you are a small contractor you are forced to either not take jobs, cut corners or use illegals to stay competitive.

I will admit I am not liberal at all when it comes to illegal immigration. I feel if the immigration department started arresting some of these employers and hitting them with jail time as well as heavy fines? Magically things would change. Arresting or deporting illegals only to have them replaced by these same employers is counterproductive if the goal really is to elimiate illegal aliens.

There are those who do come here thru the legal channels and go thru alot to do so. We've made what they have to go thru more difficult yet have not made illegal immigration more difficult.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

" I wonder what would happen if instead of arresting the illegals they arrested those who hired them."

There you go again using your uncommon sense ;-)

It's jobs that drive them here and a lack of jobs that would likely make them stay home.

Concentrating on those who hire is an excellent strategy!

Cyberseaer said...

If you come in here illegally, get out or pay higher taxes. If you get in here legally, then pay the same taxes as us and bitch about, like we do.

I can't stand people who tell me that I should pay higher taxes to help support and give heathcare for people who come in here illegally. That just pisses me off.

Unknown said...

That's pretty much my take on it to C, if they are here legally? Welcome to the US. If not? Please find the nearest exit and leave.

I realize it's been said there would be no one to pick the lettuce or the peaches or whatever but if there ends up really being a need to fill those jobs I'm willing to bet there is a way to do it legally.

Nor do I think most of the problems with illegal immigrants has anything to do with farming anymore. That's pretty obvious with this story, even the illegal immigrants have discovered they make more an hour working out of the Home Depot parking lot.

But then again, they don't seem to listen to me. John McCain made some similar suggestions, but so far nothings been done. So thanks HT, I think that is the only way to stop it. They keep focusing on the illegals when in most cases a few days later they are back over the border again. If they really wanted to stop it? They'd focus on the businesses who hire them.

Cyberseaer said...

Your first comment is just like the unofficial motto of NJ, "Welcome to NJ, now go home." (or the more realistic motto "Get the fuck out of my state!" LMAO)

BTW, the flower was not lost. It is in the twelve dollar light glass with water. But the scream in the car was scary. Sorry about not finishing the story.

For the rest of you who have no idea what I'm talking about. Never Mind.

Unknown said...

whew that is a relief - and I will work harder to learn my cities in New Jersey


I have a few people from there that come here, it's surprising.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks for the laugh, Mom. I knew I'd find something awesome even stopping by your blog for a little bit :-P

I love how mixed up our country is. I really don't see why, even 1000 miles from the realm of reason, why it would be Home Depot's responsibility to provide facilities for people soliciting in their parking lot. Wow.

Unknown said...

Becareful emmy, there are nazis lurking
