Monday, October 31, 2005

Here's hoping Poll on Toledo City Council is wrong...

Even before the Tom Noe Coingate Saga, I've heard Toledoans demand change, discuss ethical issues with current City Councilpersons and state that the City deserves better. If the poll linked above from today's Toledo Blade is correct? Toledoans don't care about change and they don't care if there are ethical issues with those they elect.

From the article in order of votes received in the poll:

Betty Shultz
Phil Copeland
Bob McCloskey
Frank Szollosi
George Sarantou
Karyn McConnell Hancock
Dave Schulz
Bob Vasquez
Mark Sobczak
Ernie Berry
Karen Shanahan
Terry Shankland

It makes me alternate between being sad and laughing that 58% feel Toledo is going in the wrong direction yet are going to vote for the all of the same people that added to that wrong direction.

The 58% figure came from Zogby on questions related to the Mayor's Race. If the election were held during the time of the Poll 58% would vote for Carty Finkbeiner. It's not clear if this is the same poll that the City Council persons numbers came from. Channel 13 does not have the exact numbers listed for the Toledo City Council race at the time of this posting.

It's not logical to me that it is the same 601 persons unless they somehow believe that the problems with Toledo can be addressed by changing the Mayor. Why anyone would want to send the message that unethical behavior will be rewarded by being re-elected I can't understand. But if this poll holds as far as city council numbers? That will be the end result, and Dave Schulz appears to be the only one who has a chance to be a new voice.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Everyone probably has some core choices (of incumbants) that they want to see returned to Council, I know that I do.

But, I also have identified a couple of fresh faces that I feel have the potential to make a long-term difference that I will definitely be voting for.

My fresh faces of choice will be:

Dave Schulz and
Ernie Barry

Good luck guys!

historymike said...

Gotta go:
Bob McCloskey
Betty Schultz
Karyn McConnell-Hancock

Gotta vote 'em in:
Dave Schulz

Wouldn't mind seeing:
Ernie Berry

Decent incumbents:
Frank Szollosi
George Sarantou

No way in Hell:
Terry Shankland

None of the rest get me particularly excited or piqued.

Unknown said...

Domain Name ? (Network)
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ISP TELUS Communications
Location Continent : North America
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State/Region : Alberta
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Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »