Friday, October 21, 2005

Hackett makes it formal...

This just received:

I'm running for Senate to bring new direction and leadership to Washington.

I'm fed up with what's happening to my country. I'm ready to reset America's priorities. Just like you, I watched the same mistakes made an ocean away in Iraq repeated here at home in the wake of hurricane Katrina. This is a crucial time for America. The issues we now face and how they're resolved will have a lasting impact on us, and our children.

I grew up right here in Ohio, steeped in our American values. Now I'm raising a family here. I understand what's at stake for my neighbors and people all across America. I won't sit on the sidelines and watch politics as usual take us in the wrong direction.

I recently returned from Iraq as a Major in the US Marines Corps. I had been honorably discharged from the Corps in 1999, but I couldn't just sit by and watch what was happening over there when I knew I could help. So I volunteered to go. After I had been in Iraq for two months I volunteered again - this time to go to Fallujah. Religious fanatics and insurgents had seized the city. They had to be stopped. A civil government had to be restored.

My wife and three kids didn't want me to go to Iraq. But they understood my commitment to service and they knew that I had to do everything I could to support my brothers and sisters in arms. It was my responsibility to serve.

Now I'm ready to serve Ohio, this country, and you in the United States Senate. I'm ready to take your fight to Washington. I'm ready to take a stand on the issues that matter most to us, like keeping American jobs at home, protecting our Social Security benefits, making good healthcare accessible to everyone, and bringing the war in Iraq to a swift and secure resolution.

Let's not squander the exceptional opportunity we now have before us. Let's stop arguing about who's red and who's blue. Let's do all we can do for a stronger red, white, and blue.

Support my candidacy for U.S. Senate. Join me in fighting for a brighter future for all Americans. Together we can put things right. All we need is the will to do it.


Paul Hackett

(website launched linked above)


Unknown said...

Yes, it has, first Sherrod then?



historymike said...

Now Lisa:

Sherrod is going to want his blog-buying moeny back from you.

Tell us, how much did he pay for Liberal Common Sense?


Unknown said...

lmao, Sherrod doesn't have enough money to buy Liberal Common Sense


While I'm not a photoshoper I can use paint -

mrs. phoneix, that is a good question and I have emailed his campaign info person to ask his stance on that.

I support him because I think he is exactly the change Ohio needs in Washington and I truly believe he stands a much better chance at beating Mike DeWine.

Scott G said...

I just want him to curse in a debate. Show that Army spirit and such

historymike said...


(here is my counter-post to Mr. Drudge, Jr.'s mudslinging)
I "contributed" to the article only in the sense that they used my material.

With my permission.

They asked for permission. Get it?

I do not work for Worker's World, I do not subscribe to Worker's World, I have not freelanced for Worker's World, and I rarely (if ever) read Worker's World.

Get over it, and do better "investigative" writing.

Unknown said...

Matt, that's wayyyy off topic. You cannot even remotely tie that to Paul Hackett running for office.

If, I write about that topic here, then? It would make sense, otherwise it seems like you are comming just to pimp your blog and not contribute.

If they ever email me back? I might.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


I've read your posts here and other's posts on and I have a suggestion for Hackett's handlers:

Please look up the definitions of contentious and civil, as in civil discourse and contentious (attitude) and familiarize your candidate with them both.

May “your guy” understand them and choose his path wisely...

Unknown said...

He's not a polished practiced politician, which is why I like him. He's going to make statements at times that probably should be toned down, however? As I wrote on Toledo Talk, given we have a Vice President that tells people to F off, Hackett is milder than that.

It's also important to add the next sentence to the phrase.

I've said that I don't like the son-of-a-b—— that lives in the White House but I'd put my life on the line for him," he says.

Scott G said...

I just want honesty. If someone feels that a couple of curse words honestly belong there, I am all for it. Well placed profanity can force a point across that may have been ignored before

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