Sunday, October 09, 2005

A girl and her blog

Okay, I'm not really a "girl" anymore but creative with me on this one.

It's Sunday, a normally slow day on the blogosphere and I'm in a reflective mood. Why? Because I am about to reach a goal I never thought would be possible when I first started doing this. I will break 10,000 visitors this week. I started this blog in February, not really sure what I was going to do here but I was tired of message boards and wanted to do something different. The original name was not Liberal Common Sense, it was Snipes and Snopes. Alot of my time on the message board I used to frequent was spent dealing with either snipes or snoping so that was my original focus. That didn't last long - lol. Then came Liberal Common Sense. Mainly because I have written about having common sense for quite some time and almost every time some smart ass would say "Liberals and common sense? Isn't that an oxymoron?".

Now 8 months later, here I am. I love blogging and have the chance to interact with some very awesome people thanks to the blogosphere, and I've gotten the opportunity to write at other places like Watch Blog. I have my own online store where I was able to self-publish my book I wrote on Ohio History and my search for my father's family as well as some "Liberal Common Sense" items that people actually do buy. Not just only my friends anymore - lol. Ironically the top seller is not one I would expect either, it's not my book. It's this, yes a cartoon picture of me on a t-shirt. Now, have some of those people bought it to use my picture as target practice? Can't say, nor have enough of them sold locally that I have to worry about running into someone wearing "me" on a shirt - lol. I would add though I personally find the Liberal Common Sense Coffee Mug to be awesome and one I use almost every morning as I sit here with my Liberal Common Sense Coaster and my Liberal Common Sense Mousepad...wearing my...(you get the picture) lmao.

So, I thank all of you for continuing to visit me and especially those of you who comment here for making this little corner of the blogosphere a place where we can agree to disagree, agree or disagree yet still be civil. Where with rare occasion the only posts that get deleted are the spammers and where the Hamsters (despite a few of you Hamster haters) are loved by most or at least felt ambivalent about - lol. From Spain, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Japan, Belgium and Canada to the shores of the US from Rutherford, New Jersey to Mountain View, California and all spots inbetween? The first 10,000 have been awesome so I can't wait to see what the future holds.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Why you sneaky little devil ;-)

I learn something new each day.

And you wonder why you have almost 10,000 visits already; you're famous!

I SHALL kneel, with head bowed, when in your presence...


Unknown said...

Oh stop it - you'll get there too, a wise more experienced blogger told me that the first 5,000 seem to take forever to get to and from there? It's magic

Sides in perspective? Watch Blog has over 1.5 million visitors a year, Daily Kos gets in an hour what I have gotten in 8 months.


historymike said...

You are a "girl" as long as you want to be.

Look at Bea Arthur: she may not even be a girl, but she was able to be part of the "Golden Girls."

Unknown said...

Good point, and with the way my hair is going right now I might be able to create the "Silver Girls"


Anonymous said...

I am a grey girl, almost 25 year, but I feel still young!!!

Unknown said...

An, you have a very beautiful site and welcome to the "Silver Girls" Club.


Jonathan said...

every time some smart ass would say "Liberals and common sense? Isn't that an oxymoron?"

Busted! (** raises hand **)


Cyberseaer said...

Aww Lisa, you can always be a girl if you want. Better than being considered an old biddy. When my 10 year old daughter tells me she is not a little girl anymore, I cupped her face in my hands and look in her eyes and tell her no matter how old she gets, she will always be my little girl. Then we hug. (I'll email you the tissues later) You go girl!

BTW, Oakland, NJ isn't inbetween East Rutherford, NJ and CA. It's more North, but that's just me being picky again. I'll shut up now.

Unknown said...

lol Jonathan, you my friend were not the first and will probably not be the last. I laugh every time I see how you linked me on your site.


Way to go C, it's not like I wasn't dealing with enough tears around here. They better be puffs because I need them. Sigh...and you have mail back at you.