Sunday, October 16, 2005

Easy bake ovens...

Today was a relaxing day, as you can see I didn't blog much, I wasn't online most of the day. My football choices for the pool sucked again. I think my days of being in first place are probably over. I watched tv, did laundry and went to Fire Mountain for the first time where I ate way too much. (But it was sooo good)

One thing I missed about not having cable/satellite was the Food Channel. I am an Iron Chef Fan as well as Alton Brown. Tonight I was watching Unwrapped do a show on the Easy Bake Oven. Yes, the picture above is the style I had. My youngest is now 11 so my days of Easy Bake ovens is over until I have grandchildren anyway (nnooooo hurry kids, honest). It was kind of cool to do some research to see how far the Easy Bake oven has come and a brief walk down memory lane with Aubrey.

Some little known Easy Bake Oven facts for you?

Over the past 40 years there have been 11 EASY-BAKE Oven models. Since 1963, each revision reflected the colors and oven styles of their day.

More fun history at the title link for those of you who want to know more. Believe it or not? You can still buy all the various types of Easy Bake Ovens thanks to the wonders of Ebay....



Anonymous said...

No big, Lis. Football season will always come again. Relaxing days, good eats, loved ones and fond memories are what life is really all about. Enjoy them. Cherish them. Share them...thanks for doing just that with us.

Unknown said...

Well, you are up late.


Anonymous said...

Yep, and so are you! I figured you'd be getting your beauty sleep, not that you need it! Obviously I don't need any...LOL. Glad you had a relaxing day. This whole weekend was relaxing and uneventful for me...hint hint. No good eats, no good company, and nothing "exciting" to tell about. Shay has a computer and I hooked her up with a freebie excite e-mail account, but it's late and just about ready to head home. Just had to see what my very favorite person in the world was up to first. 'Night, Tracy

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

And obviously, Vonbluven took his head out of the oven before it was completely done; he's half-baked ;-)

Unknown said...

Matt's becoming a regular, I think he likes us.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

" guys aren't that bad..."

Obviously Matt is a new follower of your blog ;-)

Unknown said...

Well I am famous now...lmao

Seriously though I'm sure there will be some things Matt and I will agree on, as well as disagree. I can play well with others as long as they follow the basic rules and have a sense of humor. Though I'm not sure if he is as twisted as some of us in that department - lol


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Unknown said...

I'd answer you but I have a theme song from a certain tv show in my head now....
