Tuesday, October 11, 2005

California's Proposition 78

A friend sent me this so, for those of you who have not seen it? Check it out, especially for those of you who visit here that live in California. For those of us that don't? Still something to be aware of because if it happens there? Might happen here.

prop 78 cartoon


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Prop 78 or prop 79, either way, lots of people are going to get screwed.

Follow the money; neither sponsor has your best interests in mind.

It's all about the money and the power...

Whatever perceived benefit there is will come out of someone's pocket.

Anonymous said...

Interesting ad... I agree with you ht - it will most likely be taken and not paid. I can almost feel my pockets upgrading from average to zipper locked access only pockets :)

This will be rolling on towards us here in Ohio any time now.