Friday, October 21, 2005

Another toy for me...

There have been a few times I wondered how to put a video clip on here. Blogger does not have the ability to do it directly. So? I heard about YouTube. Not sure how it is going to work or if it will work for all of you.

Here is a test one from there that I thought was cool and of course...rodentish..hehehe... If it works? Wayyy coool, if anyone has any problems with it? Let me know either in comments or via email.


Unknown said...

YEAHHH!!! It worked for me..


I apologize in advance for those of you that I made chairdance...

historymike said...

I have always loved that Hot Chocolate song.

Very funny bit...I thought that the trap was going to do Mr. Rodent in, but....

Unknown said...

I've always liked that song too, most of the videos they have there are pretty lame but? I can upload clips I find there and share them without having to upload them to my domain and trying to link them.


Unknown said...

It shouldn't fade...wonder if it's not mac compatible...

I was thinking of how you could use it since you find so many cool videos that way people who are still on dial up could still see the videos...

Guess we'll have to play around with it later..


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Better than that spinning hamster ;-)