Friday, March 05, 2010

All in a day in my life...

I often lament that I did not get as much done as I thought I was going to get done during the course of a day. Yet today I realized part of the reason is the extra tasks that end up coming my way during the course of a day. Take today as an example...

Two friends of one of my daughter's came over to see about picking up the car that they needed to store here. I needed to stop what I was doing and find the key.

Another daughter needed help with getting her birth certificate, finding out how to get her passport since she's planning a trip to Mexico.

One of the daughters needed help with auto insurance quotes since she's replacing a car.

I had to stop tickling matches several times when I was trying to work between one daughter and her boyfriend.

Ten phone calls from a variety of people needing information...

145 e-mails, half of which required an answer at that moment...

Two cat fights, a visit from UPS, several barking dog episodes and? Two calls from my husband to see how my day was going.


1 comment:

J. Rowsey said...

I miss getting emails from you.