Friday, February 20, 2009

Former President Clinton gives silly advice...

I'm not one of the Clinton bashing bunch, regular readers know this, but in hearing the advice suggested by Former President Clinton to current President Obama it's silly:
Former President Bill Clinton gives President Barack Obama an "A" grade for his first month in office, but tells ABC News that Obama needs to put on a more positive face when speaking to the American people about the economy...

The American people, well most of them anyway, are not stupid. When they read news like Krugman shared, and they look and see what is happening in many of the places they live, things are pretty bleak economically in many parts of the country.

It's not going to be a quick turnaround, and frankly if the President goes out there and puts a more "positive face" out there, in a few months when things don't get better, people are going to have unrealistic expectations. We don't have to have all doom and gloom but there is a point when some creation of honest expectations would be refreshing...


Nunzia Rider said...

Isn't that "positive face" thing what the previous administration did for months while the economy was slowly sinking? Wasn't until it started moving downhill faster that that they finally admitted it wasn't so good. Plus there was that one day that John McCain said our economy was doing just fine in the morning, but by afternoon he said it was in bad shape.

Unknown said...


While I don't suggest the President tell us to buy duct tape and plastic, pretending that this is going to end soon, when all signs indicate it is going to not only take some time but that things are expected to get worse for many of us is not what I think is a good idea.

J. Rowsey said...

ahhh...unrealistic could have linked to your other blog. :-P

Unknown said...

The whole reason behind that blog title is a post upon itself. The short version would be the concept of creating an "unrealistic expectation" is one I know very well.


Nunzia Rider said...

Yeah, tough as it is to think about, I'd rather have the truth.

Unknown said...

Me too, and it realistically makes people have less faith in government than many already have if they are personally experiencing economic hardship and be given the impression that they are not being heard.