Friday, December 26, 2008

Pruden tries to evoke some sympathy for President Bush...

I don't disagree in theory, that President Bush is not solely to blame for the current state of our nation and the world economy. I don't disagree that there appears to be a last minute, "hurry up and get your Bush basing in" by some in the media. Yet, in reading PRUDEN: Only 26 days left for Bush-bashing there are a few inescapable facts that are rarely pointed out. Political campaigns, including Presidential ones have helped perpetuate the myth that the President is more responsible for the state of the economy with their constant sales pitches about what each one will do to "help."

The media also continues to perpetuate these downright falsehoods, leading many to believe that it's not only the government's job to create jobs, but that somehow when economic times are good or bad that there has been some major presidential action that has been the primary force behind it.

If you don't want to take the blame when things are not going good? Don't try to take the credit for when they are...Now if that piece of advice was followed by political candidates of all stripes, imagine how refreshing the truth would be...

1 comment:

Robin said...

Everyone has a share in the blame.